Is Highly Sensitive Brake the Same as No Brake in Bad Actuator?

Discussion in 'Gen 2 Prius Care, Maintenance and Troubleshooting' started by ebikeman, Feb 8, 2024.

  1. ebikeman

    ebikeman Junior Member

    Sep 23, 2023
    2007 Prius
    I'm the guy who put new brake pads on front one night and the next morning had the bad actuator lights come on (BRAKE, (!) ABS and I think one other).

    People told me one of the next things to happen is I'll be braking and without notice, they fail (will have to push real hard to get them to work).

    I have not experienced that yet, but I do get the opposite.

    Sometimes when backing up I get that long beeeeep. If I have my feet covering the brake, just push the brake so slightly, not putting hardly any pressure on it at all, I can stop like I hit a cement wall.

    Does a hyper sensitive brake peddle during the beeeeeeeep mean the same as the brake not working? I'm wondering because it's the opposite of what I was told on these forums. (and hoping it means something different than a bad actuator).

    Thank you,
  2. Tombukt2

    Tombukt2 Senior Member

    Nov 29, 2020
    Durham NC
    2009 Prius
    When you are experiencing the beep driving down the road that means your accumulator pressure is not correct in the system and it's beeping at least seemingly to me I'm driving with this right now as we speak daily when the beep is present that means accumulator pressure is not up to par and when you step on the brakes it's just like stepping on the brakes and a 1963 Dodge truck without a brake booster connected to vacuum just a firewall mounted brake master cylinder If you don't remember that scenario of driving well you're just young I'm sorry. When the beep immediately goes off you will notice you have power brakes but not antilock brakes If you stomp on the brakes they'll put you right through the windshield no ifsands or butts. While the beep is going on if you put two feet on the brake pedal you will still stop or if you press harder on the brake pedal you will still stop You won't go flying through any intersections or any of that unless you're just a frantic human being that has no control over themselves which there's a lot of us out there. I am driving a car now that does this for the last 4 months and getting ready to get in it and drive it right now. I drive it everyday when the beep is present if you're coming up to a stop sign and you push harder on the brakes you will stop for the stop sign but when you get to the stop sign it will feel like your brakes lock up and throw you forward just a little bit it's like the back brakes of locked up rip and it makes a noise even kind of has nothing to do with the brake shoes or the brake pads it is just the way the brakes are grabbing to stop because they have very little control or they're in some kind of a fail safe mode the Prius can not not stop that I can tell so far I have tried to make it not stop unless you physically do something like un do brake lines. The car is going to have some facsimile of some type of breaking It's been built into the system apparently I don't have all the literature nor do I care to read all about it but that's how it seemingly has been manufactured My car stops all the time for every stop sign and all of that so far. When it's beeping I know I need to add a few extra feet and not to do anything stupid while driving the car It's just that simple That's all. When there's no beeping I have ample power brakes but no ABS I have regenerative braking all the time beeping or not If I take my foot off the gas I see the blue lines and they are pulsating like they always do when I let my foot off the gas and if I pull it down in b I can feel the regenerative braking whether the beep is on or not you can see it on the MFD display too. This generally is your break actuator and accumulator and pump having trouble maintaining the pressure in the system which is pretty high I don't even care what it is but it's up there and you hear the pump running and then you don't and that's that now you're looking for a used or a new $1,400 or so break actuator or you're not.
  3. Tombukt2

    Tombukt2 Senior Member

    Nov 29, 2020
    Durham NC
    2009 Prius
    You're highly sensitive break and no beeping is just power brakes without ABS if you remember oh you know like a 77 Cadillac with power brakes and no ABS You push down on the brakes in that car and all four tires would lock up smoke would come from the wheel well you would be thrown towards the windshield It was quite something that's basically what you have with no beep but the actuator failing and no ABS so you have no anti-lock right now so your brakes will lock up. When the beep is on and you get to the last few inches before your car completely stops you'll hear something grab very tightly and your car will immediately stop That's like the last inch or two That's your brakes grabbing because you're pushing all the way to the limit of travel of the stroke simulator or the master cylinder or something along those lines. So more than likely your actuator is failing and it's time for a new one and now decisions get made.
  4. ChapmanF

    ChapmanF Senior Member

    Mar 30, 2008
    Indiana, USA
    2010 Prius
    Those aren't "the bad actuator lights", those are the "something out of a couple hundred possibilities may be wrong with your brake system, read the trouble codes" lights.

    Exactly how the brake system is going to behave or misbehave can be influenced by what the actual problem is.
    dolj and Brian1954 like this.
  5. ebikeman

    ebikeman Junior Member

    Sep 23, 2023
    2007 Prius
    Low Actuator Pressure.
  6. ChapmanF

    ChapmanF Senior Member

    Mar 30, 2008
    Indiana, USA
    2010 Prius
    It's better to post the code(s) here than to translate them. We can look them up, but backwards is harder.

    Revisiting this from the first post:

    That's one type of misbehavior that can be regarded as failure (of power assist, anyway).

    In addition to a high hard pedal that you have to push real hard to stop, a low soft pedal that goes to the floor and doesn't slow anything down is another kind of misbehavior that you'd likely also regard as failure.

    Your very-sensitive braking is just yet another of the various ways the system can misbehave. The system is complex, has to do a lot of things, and can misbehave in a variety of ways.
    #6 ChapmanF, Feb 26, 2024
    Last edited: Feb 26, 2024