Noticed my rear wheel is leaning, i removed the wheel nothing seems loose. Any help much appreciated. I know my daughter hit a pot hole, ugh
You'll have to take it into a shop (dealer, or tire shop or bodyshop. Basically anyone that has the tools to do wheel alignments) and get that wheel aligned. The sooner the better (so that you don't excessively wear out the tyre).
There's been reports of weak/broken weld joints in the rear sub-frame assembly, between where the tire mounts and the uni-body frame itself. Do a search on Prius C rear wheel alignment. Hope this helps...
Prius c has a sold rear axle? If so, replacement likely needed. Yeah looks like: Toyota Prius c Suspension Subframe (Rear) - 4211052332 | Toyota Parts Direct, London ON Plus 3~4 hours labour?
NICE!!! A more affordable option, if you find broken wield joints is a junk yard. The Yaris and Lexus CT200 uses the same sub-frame assembly. Please double check and cross reference; in-case I'm wrong or it doesn't cover your model year. Toyota does make mid-year changes. Good Luck...