My 2015 Toyota Prius with 210,000 MI needs a new brake booster. Do I need to get a master cylinder and a booster pump? Can I buy aftermarket parts online and have my local mechanic install it?
The cheapest bet I think for these parts is through the dealer but buying online and picking up at the dealer unless you want to pay the shipping to your address that's around $700 each piece . Then there's tax and what have you unless you can get around that because you have a dealer account or something and then pretty much anybody could install them they may not want to and they may or may not have the capable scan tool that's bi-directional that can fully bleed the brakes and reset the system so those are the questions you need to ask the guy coming to change it at your house or where you're taking it these are simple questions and if they're can't answer them they probably can't do it so there's always that asking the right questions is kind of important with specialized or more specialized type of services. This vehicle Toyota recommends generally speaking that both pieces be replaced because if you replace the electronic piece and it turns out that there's a leak on the other piece now the same labor has to be reperformed again to change that piece that has the leak in it in Toyotas eyes it's just much smarter to replace the pieces as an assembly and a sub assembly and be done with it which is good thinking it's just unfortunate they had to use two pieces to create this mess instead of the one piece like they did have on the generation prior. Now all these things are mounted on fender well. And cost $150 bucks remanufactured and take 40 minutes to change at best but oh well.
First two questions always: (1) who said so, and (2) why do they say so? If there are symptoms, what are they? If there are trouble codes being reported, what are they?
Thank you for your answer. Just for clarity if I'm reading your answer correctly I can get both parts remanufactured for $150... or are you saying that's $150 each? Can you recommend a site that I go to? I understand what you're saying about the mechanic and the specific questions I need to ask. Thank you in advance for your help. I am a humble Uber driver and this issue has effectively put me out of business. I need to get back on the road ASAP.
Thank you I just looked them up online. They look fantastic and they're only about 15 or 20 minutes away from me!
No for a modern Corollas this part is 150 or 60 bucks remanufactured that's what I was saying for this particular car you're going to pay about $700 a piece per part something like that this is a 2010 or something right generation 3 You have the two parts on the firewall to replace and this is the issue everybody wants to try and replace one of the parts and then they get bitten by having to do the job over again to put in the part they didn't want to buy so if you go ahead and replace both parts you won't have to worry that the second part is actually in the mix failing also and now have to pay the labor again plus buy the part you already bought the part and if you're dealing with a relatively intelligent mechanic repair person while he's got everything undone he'll put the second part on for I don't know 50-60 bucks or something because it's not that big of a deal maybe they won't you know just depends on the kind of people you're dealing with I guess.
Hi. The ABS light and brake light is on. It BEEPS intermittently. When it beeps I effectively have no power brakes. When it's not beeping I have good breaks. I forget the error code that came up but it's the one that says "The master cylinder is running too long" or something similar.
Yeah the pump is running too long I can't keep the accumulator under pressure so it continuously runs trying to maintain the accumulator pressure Very common in this type of breaking system similar to what BMW and Audi were doing back in the mid eighties so you need the $1,400 worth of brake parts mounted on your firewall of that car basically.
There are no aftermarket options, and with a used one you're really rolling the dice. Usually its the upper part (brake booster assembly) that goes kaput, so you're only out $650 or so for the brand new OEM part.