Please check it video I posted 2 sound comes when not driving when engine going also..and when driving at lower then 50 approximately rpm loudest at- 8- 30 mph" really wierd almost like reminds me when a weather gaurd got ripped off and was grinding against my tire" sound changed first day sounded like tractor then airplane now has not been driven in one year bought on auction.. Any guesses My youtube channel is (LIVINGANTS ) in all capital IT WONT LET ME UPLOAD VIDEO OR share link Sound is louder 90% inside car. So I Dont think it is exuast. No smoke coming out the back first day it did.
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Ty for finding my video' some has told me it can be a Heatsheild' mine one that's under engine is shaky- how do I check if I have exuast leak
If gas been in car accident and repaired by someone" But i searched exsuast leak it says might having popping sound or weird smells or snaky pedal i have not got that..
I would have posted the link for you, but I wasn't positive that is what you would have liked 10 seconds short That sounds like a leaky exhaust and nothing like a loose cat protector / cover rattling, which I've also had. Only way to find it if it really is an exhaust leak is to get near the exhaust manifold if that is the location of the leak, or under the car to find where exhaust is escaping. Perhaps with the link others may comment about what they hear.