Dear Pete Buttigeig chat, ... made in Japan, my 20 year '04 old gen II is -- a Tsutsumi Toyota. Made in Japan. Rock solid. Reliable as rain. Just about 200 thousand miles on the clock. Serving me well. I have no intention, replacing it, anytime soon. Certainly not, with a new Toyota. Toyotas made, here in America? Don't know if I'd want one. Case in point, it's a sad, sad story: Trip home from the market last week, I was surprised to see dearest neighbor Mary Jo, across the street, bailing water from the trunk of her flawless, impeccable 2018 Camry Hybrid. I strolled over; see what if perhaps anything I could do; perchance I could be of help. Wasn't just a puddle. Must have been nearly two feet of water. Never seen anything like it. I'd brought my bottle of wire lube, to treat the bulb weatherstripping lining the trunk. But, one look at a Camry boot, a retard could easily discern, had its bulb weatherstripping failed, that the boss ridging the parameter of trunk opening, rolled up over an inch, no way water could ever have intruded beyond it, into the trunk, to such extent. That much water in the trunk? No two ways about it, had to be streaming off the roof-line, between quarter-panels off the rear windshield. I've since gathered thoughts, Toyota engineering people at Georgetown, Kentucky got fat; lazy. Pull all cosmetic panels off the vehicle? Fenders, bumpers and such? You'll see things you've never seen, subtle rain gutters engineered to channel water and trapped air, through the vehicle. Freshening up their designs between model years, cutting corners, dragging their feet, never engineered new rain gutters. They looked the other way; just went with the old gutters. Peculiar thing, dearest Mary Jo lives, on a corner lot; very short, steeply inclined driveway. Perhaps 10 to 15 degrees? My thoughts are, back the Camry in? Instead of going in, nose first? My thoughts are, there isn't going to be rainwater, intruding into the trunk. The US$64 thousand dollar question: will rainwater then intrude, into the passenger compartment? Rain, in the forecast here in Southern California, the next three days? We'll see if I'm right. Hope I'm wrong. I aspire to be wrong. Seldom am I. Fair warning: Everything rolling off Toyota's Georgetown assembly line is likely to be slapdash; defective in some way. No room for argument, Toyotas are not what they used to be. Case in point, it's yet another Saab story in the Orwellian annals of Toyota's ministry of love: Sorriest, ugliest, most grotesque thing you ever did see? Arguably so, Toyota's Crown. I wonder, what Ivy League idiot did woke HR people at Toyota recruit, to design Toyota's Crown? Sorriest abomination of a flagship vehicle Toyota mind-trust could ever have conceived, to replace their dazzling Avalon? Not since Ford's Edsel, has there been a car so butt-ugly. Stock your pantry; stuff your freezer! End of the world is nigh! Samuel, '04 Ruthiemobile /////////////////
If 'the end of the world is nigh' you may want to re-think the part about stocking up the freezer. Especially in the California. Your electrical system is sketch even in Ops Normal. Maybe look into home canning.
Try to pay attention, there are lots of gen 2’s and 3’s with major rain leaks. funny you should bring this up though, our brand new hycam just had a leak in the headliner at the windshield. Filled the cup holders with water
I almost heard a call for a power-outage map there. Close enough: Figure 3 top half (8 hr) durations from ((my first image upload in new system yay))
Gee.... Why would "Nature Communications" publish data about power reliability? Things that make you go hmmmmmm..... Grid monitor warns of blackout risks as coal plants retire - E&E News by POLITICO California is less likely to experience rolling blackouts in 2023, energy officials say - ABC7 San Francisco I've personally experienced rolling blackouts (plural) in 2 places: The Middle East in a combat zone. California. I have relatives behind the tinsel curtain and they experience 'rolling blackouts' often enough to have backup generators - SO MUCH SO that the "Golden State" is going to ban their sale (at least petrol/natgas units.) I live in hurricane country and I can count the number of 1+ hour power outages in the last 20 years on one hand, and I can count the number of 8 hour outages on my thumbs. Where I live, and in my beloved home state of Indiana, most people do not know what rolling blackouts ARE, although if the scaremongers on the opposing side of the political divide are correct they will probably be finding out. Science and Data. TIFWIW. Sample size: Roughly 5 counties. Threadworthy, perhaps. Most people take power for granted, but we've been warned for years and decades that our power grid is vulnerable to this and that. Every administration since Carter has tried to get money to "make it better.' Exactly Zero of them have succeeded. This is a non-trivial issue. Imagine if you will a cyber attack that (allegedly) is able to disable 3/4 of all fuel pumps for more than a day in an entire country 4-1/2 times larger than California and with nearly three times as many people. Power distribution is much more vulnerable. So.....yeah. I have more than 1 freezers, but I use them for CONVENIENCE, not as a part of my Oscar-Sierra plan! 3 days.... 3 ways.
+1 on that warning. A disabling of the grid/utilities and or communications would be the #1 target of hackers/military strategist or unfriendly governments wishing to try out monkeyshines to irritate and see what results might be.
Thanks for the map. Interesting how a few clipped out scenes make people not in CA form opinions. The power of clips. Daughter has hybrid Camry made in USA, haven’t seen any deficiencies that would lead to say it is less well built than made in Japan. She also has underground electricity all throughout the neighborhood of single family homes. I have outages sometimes in storms, but it’s always a pine tree or other tree. Putting power lines through tall trees what could go wrong?
Our 2008 and 2013 hycams were just as good as our 3 Prius, And the new hycam is the best yet, other than the leak. Why are we talking about power outages?
I drive a Canada built Rav4 hybrid. Other than several design issues that can be expected on a new model (and were common with Japan built versions of the same era) no issues attributed to build. And the recalls and TSBs and CSPs included lots of factories. Wife drives a Avalon hybrid built here. Not a single issue in several years use. In at least 20 years of following the Toyota forums first for a Prius v and then the above, I haven't seen any significant difference in where the car was manufactured from reading tens of thousands of postings. Not to mention the cars are built with common designs, though sometimes different but similar spec parts (see battery, tires). Over generalizing from one example is always dangerous.
"Why would "Nature Communications" publish data about power reliability?" Several reasons occur to me. Those data exist, they show spatial variability, and insights could be derived. But not without publication. Different regions have different power generation mixes. This represents part of outcome of those differences. Manuscript authors wrote a cover letter that journal editor found compelling. Editors make the first cut*. It fits within journal scope specifically "Nature Communications is an open access, multidisciplinary journal dedicated to publishing high-quality research in all areas of the biological, health, physical, chemical, Earth, social, mathematical, applied, and engineering sciences." In other words, they do not exclude topics. They might not have considered that quantitative data could be used to respond to of the cuff unsupported slagging. But they might have. Author/editor discussions are typically not made public. == the first cut* I know of no exceptions to this editorial power. If an author at any stage of process feels unjustly treated, they can appeal. Appeals are rarely successful. I'm one-for-one, but that's all the details you get.
Within the Nature portfolio (family of journals), Nature Energy would be (have been) the best topical fit: But with an impact factor >60 that's rough country. Was Nat Comm (IF 11.6) the authors' second stop? Journal editors will not tell me or you, and that's that. Authors might tell us, if we asked. If they felt like it. But if you want to friend them, don't start by saying it made you go hmmmm. Ain a gon na help.
I'm not a 'scientist' therefore my observations are not influenced by whether or not the data comes from a 'friend.' That's a disadvantage, perhaps THE disadvantage of 'peer' review - or maybe a close second if you've ever spelled 'science' with a....."capital' "S" PEOPLE can be smart. MOBS are almost universally STUPID. Once upon a time, governments used to use an adversarial press to 'speak truth to power.' Something seems to have changed during the very tiny scratch of time that I've been around.....
Public confidence in science: The wheedling ain't working. I have no specific suggestions on that.
"I'm not a 'scientist' therefore my observations are not influenced by whether or not the data comes from a 'friend.'" This is a misapprehension and if it came from what I wrote ... I'd be happy to try again. It may also relate to journal reviews which are not to be done by people with relationships with manuscript authors. Journals vary on 'statute of limitations' there. There are scientists I avoid directly interacting with because they are so good in related fields that I'd call on them to do journal reviewers on me later. == As far as accepting validity of published results based on who wrote them? That would not happen for me. There are grouches out there who use such prisms. Not very many I think.
so much policing required, peoples lives are at stake: stomach-cancer-study-retracted-a-tale-of-research-misconduct