I miss the option to enable wireless auto lock in customize settings menu. I have tried TS version 7, 9 and 13. What I' m triyng to achieve is to let the car automatically lock as soon as the IG is off and I walk away with the keyfob. I have attached a foto of the option that I found on google. Do I miss a hardware module?
No I don't think so My generation too is the same I can also set the time like an above what you circled to 30 or 60 seconds or whatever it is I walk away and within 30 or 60 seconds whatever is programmed the car locks I personally do not have this feature or features turned on I have everything turned off and the car is quiet when I lock it or unlock it doesn't beep tell me where it is in the parking lot none of that It just unlocks unless you hear it you don't even know it.
Software of what update You're talking about firmware updates to different computer modules that are located in the car I don't think a lot of time is spent on adding features that are not there I think it updates the various computers firmware for things that are already generally there and not working up to snuff or what have you like firmware updates for your video card and things like that in your computer right? Now aftermarket people people that are in the know and understand all these electronic computer experts I'm of the same mindset how come these guys can't just whip up something anytime we dream it up? Should be simple enough to code in what was left off of your model for whatever reason especially door locking and things like that I'm not talking about adding a coffee maker. It used to be cars came pre-wired with plugs and things like that for options that you didn't get and adding that optionment going to the junkyard getting the things you wanted from another car that was wrecked and they would plug right into your car and generally work now I guess it's easier for cars to be sent down different assembly lines and have completely different wiring harnesses minus the plugs and everything and hire all those extra people for just doing that seems awfully silly to me but what do I know I liked it when the cars came with one wiring harness with all the plugs hanging there when the car made a right on the assembly line and got all the options it got whatever it didn't get the plugs were just dangling tape to the harness and the car went to finishing and interior whatever however it works now it seems they've screwed that all up oh well.
I suspect the feature described in your photo is the auto door lock IF you unlock the car from outside but do not open the door. That feature can be turned on or off and can be adjusted for timing. Hondas have the walk away lock feature on later models.
Does generation 2 have automatic locking? If not then something's wrong with my SKS system If I leave everything on the SKS button out etc if I turn the car off the remote's always in my pocket already and I get out of the car and close the door when I'm like 10 ft from the car I hear the car lock. I've tested this I've sent my other half out to the car which is generally always unlocked in our world and she gets to the car and can't get in to get whatever it is she supposed to get she's not carrying a remote. When I walk up to the car I audibly hear it unlock I don't have any beepers or lights flashing turned on but I hear the mechanism unlocked the driver door only which is exactly what it's programmed to do.
it's a european 2010 Prius Dynamic , with fog lamps, xenon head lamps, 17 inch wheels, satnav and park assist, I don't know what is the US equivalent trim.
Sounds similar to an American made or American designated solar roof JBL car It would get sat nav and SKS type control functions for the alarm and remote I don't know what all the options are for the remote and the locking but such as life It would seem to me if you wanted to fool the system and make this work possibly on your car if you removed the door pin behind the rubber boot or unplugged wire from it . The car would never know when you open the door so you could have your car set to re-lock if you unlock the door but don't open it it locks again in 30 or 60 seconds You could use that to lock the car when you walk away from it If the door pin wasn't enabled so that means when you open the door the light doesn't come on oh well not a big feature for me and then when you did open the door and the light didn't come on the car and computer wouldn't know that the door was opened and when you reclosed it if you sat there and waited for 30 seconds if that's what it was set for the door should relock while you're standing 5 ft from the car whatever it is so it doesn't sense you so there's always that I don't think there's going to be a firmware update that's going to give you those functions because you're hopeful not likely that's not how car engineering generally works.