I’ve been eying a 2008 Touring that is priced well below blue book value. The dealer claims that it has a bad “hybrid motor” based on the fact that they were driving the car and then it just “stopped running”. To me this sounds like more of a bad hybrid battery issue, I haven’t seen much about the electric motor failing. It has 143,000 miles so definitely at the age where it might need a new battery. The dealer didn’t pull any error codes for whatever reason, lazy I guess. Anyway, doss this sound like a bad hybrid battery? The price is right and I could definitely get a new battery in there and have a sweet ride for a good price.
Hybrid battery problems sometimes show up as error codes for inverter or motor-generator... So that could help you getting it for a good price. It's very rare to almost non-existent that Gen2 Prius fails because of inverter or electric motor. With Gen1 or Gen3 its a different story, but not with gen2.
"just stopped" cannot be diagnosed off the top of your head. plan for the worst and hope for the best. i hope the price is very, very good, and you can diy.
To me, this sounds like the inverter overheated and the car shut down to protect the inverter from being damaged.
I put a code reader on it and it threw up the P0A80, saying the hybrid battery needs to be replaced. When I was looking at the battery status via the Dr Prius app it showed 230 volts, but a SOC of 0%. Surely this is a case of a bad hybrid battery?
Find a tech and pay them for a real evaluation. Worth paying for. So far you don't have actionable information and no one on this forum can do it remotely. Find out where the toyota dealer techs go for lunch and make some new friends.
Yeah it fired up just fine. And honestly, the stopped running thing is what the salesperson told me, and considering they haven’t done any work or don’t want to do any work to this car, I don’t know if that necessarily what happened
Just a little update for anyone interested. I ended up pulling the trigger, was able to snag it for $2500. Swapped out the HV battery for a fresh one and now I have a nice little Prius. I’ve already put a few hundred miles on it and everything is running great. Definitely a gamble but so far it was worth it
Nice. When a dealer doesn't take the time to get to know anything about what they've got, they leave themselves wide open to someone that does.
That’s definitely how it seemed. More interested in getting the car off the lot than properly diagnosing its issues. I’m surprised too because they could have probably made a nice little profit by replacing the battery. Anyway, did a basic service today —oil, filters, new plugs (which it badly needed). Should be good to go for a while! Thanks to everyone here for the guidance
Welcome to club Prius. With a little guidance from YouTube and the people here, a good DIY mechanic should be able to get quite a few miles and years out of your 08.
Welcome and great find. I would have an OEM Invertor pump ready to go. $165 at the dealership They failed in my wifes 08 at 110k and Mine was 124K So I just replaced it early. Both were Colorado Cars. Oddly now that we live in Kansas with humidity the SOC has been much much better. No idea why. I have a extra Hybrid battery on stand by.