I have about 1200 miles on the clock and really enjoying my Prime XSE Premium. That said, the driver's side camera is misaligned, such that lines on the left side of the car look angled when they are actually parallel to the car. Besides just messing with my detail-obsessed personality, it makes it difficult to use the bird's eye view to park. If you try to line it up with the left side view, you get out of the car and it's crooked in the spot. I looked for a way to dial this in via menu, but all I can find is the parameters for controlling self-parking position and backup camera guidelines. Nothing for tweaking individual camera views. Is this a common issue and a dealer-only solution?
the birdseye viewis a software program utilizing the ground cameras and creating an image based on the input i think. if this is the case, might disconnecting the fuse or 12v reboot it?
This is probably going to be a dealer thing(there is a procedure to align the cameras in the TechStream software), but before you make an appointment, just wiggle the driver mirror to make certain it's in its correct spot. It's unlikely, but it might have gotten bumped by someone walking by the vehicle and got jarred out of its correct position.
I noticed this on my car this morning, someone had pushed in my rear view mirrors when I was parked on the street.. I just adjusted the side mirror until it was aligned.