My 2017 Prius 4 is slowly eating antifreeze. Sometimes it does sometimes it does not. I have noticed that when I stomp on the gas, some nights, It blows steam as if it had an oil leak through the exhaust (not blue) just really visible. I check the level and it is low in the reserve tank... sometimes it does not eat a drop. Not sure if it is the leak in the valve in the heat exchanger in the exhaust or not. Not sure what conditions I can monitor to see when or why it happens sometimes only. Considering getting the bypass. Any suggestions would be appreciated. I can smell the antifreeze through exhaust when washing the car if I have it on. exhaust pipe is sparkling clean inside. No lights come on. Also, when ever I take the cap off... to add coolant, there is NEVER a surge of pressure released... only a small pff like a small silent fart... Even when I have been driving for an hour.
Sounds like the heat exchanger is starting to leak. Check with the dealer to see if it’s still under warranty, CARB states have longer warranties. If not under warranty, a bypass sounds like the best idea. Keep us updated.
I am aware of the bypass. Considering it, but would like to be sure that is the issue. Not sure if there are any setbacks by doing the bypass or if it can cause damage.