I almost never remember my dreams. But I remember two from last night. In one dream I drove into the parking lot of the bank in Arthur, North Dakota (near where I lived for many years) with a childhood friend, with the intention of robbing the bank. But as I pulled into the parking lot (the bank actually has no parking lot -- in Arthur you can always park on the street) I reflected upon the fact that it was Wednesday, and my friend and I had robbed this particular bank on each of the past 3 or 4 successive Wednesdays, and to try to rob it again on this day would be pushing our luck. So I turned around and drive away. I actually have no need of robbing a bank, no interest in robbing a bank, and nothing against this particular bank, which as banks go is a good bank.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(daniel @ Dec 26 2006, 04:50 PM) [snapback]366806[/snapback]</div> You can bank on that or put your money where your mouth is or something like that. As for me, I dreamed that I never read this post. Indeed, I had never heard of PriusChat. What's more, I owned a Hummer2 (or is that 3 by now?). Whatever... Then again, maybe I just dreamed that I actually got a decent night's sleep!
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(dreichla @ Dec 26 2006, 09:08 PM) [snapback]366933[/snapback]</div> Cognito *ego* sum.
Daniel- our dreams are replays of our days, the method of our brain storing them away. was there something that happened, a bonus of some sort , that maybe you feel you did not really deserve? or something you almost did , but cancelled at the last minute? think back to your day and you may be surprised at what you discover!
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(barbaram @ Dec 26 2006, 11:43 PM) [snapback]366963[/snapback]</div> Dreams mean absolutly nothing. They are just random firings of our neurons during REM sleep and I think people who analye dreams should be locked up. (Or did I just dream that is what I think, or did I just think that is what I dream?) I dream therefore I am? To sleep, perchance to dream. I will admit, I have occasionally dreamed I was falling only to wake up falling off my bed. Is that what they mean by dreams imitating life, or is that life imitating artr? I'll have to sleep (dream) on that.
Dragonfly: No candy here. Today marks two full weeks on my diet. And though I cheat a bit by allowing myself double or triple rations of veggies (broccoli, string beans, etc.) I have stuck with it and my stomach has been very happy. (Overeating makes my stomach grumpy.) Freud has been pretty much discredited. Too much of his observations were artifacts of his peculiarly repressed society. Barbaram: I don't really feel I deserve anything of what I have. My father was an astute businessman who accumulated a good chunk of wealth, and I got 1/8 of it without doing anything for it. On the other hand, I put up with my step-mother for half a century, and that should entitle me to some compensation. But there's nothing special about yesterday in that respect. Maybe the dream was because I feel like having this money is like having robbed a bank, but now I have plenty and need no more. That particular bank was probably just because I banked there for something like 20 years, and still have a CD there because they've continued to offer me a competitive rate. I do think we can sometimes learn something from our dreams, but not in the deterministic way some dream analysts claim. "Two gates the silent house of sleep adorn: Of polished ivory this, that of transparent horn; True visions through transparent horn arise; Through polished ivory pass deluding lies." -- From Dryden's translation of the Aeneid, Book VI. For me the curious thing is that I almost never remember my dreams, but this night I remembered two of them. (I mentioned the other in another thread.)
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Schmika @ Dec, 06:49 PM) [snapback]366968[/snapback]</div> My dreams sometimes seem random, but other times correlate very well to what is going on in my life. Like the time I dreamed I could fly. That was an awesome dream! It felt so real. It was during a time in my career that things were working out very well. I had a bad one some years earlier after a co-worker died who was crucial to our team and things were going very poorly at work, and in that dream I was falling. And then there's that darn recurring dream I have of going to work topless and trying to act like it's normal. I have no idea what that means. <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(daniel @ Dec, 07:40 PM) [snapback]366992[/snapback]</div> Right on Daniel! Keep it up!
Every once in a while I dream I won the lottery. I can sometimes identify something during the day that triggers a dream. Like Daniel's dream of the parking lot where there is no parking lot, there is usually something a little bizarre in the dream that I remember and I can trace to something recent I saw, smelled or remembered. I think of dreams as movies my brain plays for me to keep me occupied while it's busy filing and doing housework of the day's "input".
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Godiva @ Dec 26 2006, 10:46 PM) [snapback]367070[/snapback]</div> I knew a man who called himself a Buddhist. I have no idea how closely he adhered to "real" Buddhism. But he believed that before you are born you choose your parents. So whenever his teen-age daughter complained about this man and his wife, he replied, "Then why did you choose us?" I like to say that I won the pick-your-dad lottery. Everyone gets one chance to enter, before you are born. On the other hand, I had to put up with a dysfunctional family for half a century.
Years ago, I injured myself in a dream and woke up covered in blood. In my dream I was being chased (a recurring theme) and I leaped over a wall to escape. In reality I'd twisted around in bed and bashed my head on a bedside table, causing profuse bleeding.
daniel, your dream is way too coherent. it's your "salt-free" Saltines personality expressing itself in such manner...