I'm out of the country where our 2010 Gen. 3 Prius (trim level V) is and have an older parent struggling with the navigation who herself is out of town and becoming very frustrated - a dangerous road situation. There are multiple answers to the question "How to stop guidance." I've had the answer several times in the past, testing out the ones recommended here and finding what works and what doesn't, but it's always 6 months in between seeing/using the car. However, we are in genuine need of a definitive answer now for an older driver that cannot be burdened with possible hit-miss solutions. How do you stop the guidance? (Not pause.) Please answer only for 2010 Gen. 3 Prius (trim level V) type navigation. Thank you.
1) If buttons are shown across the bottom of the screen, press Route. Then press Delete. Then answer Yes to the question confirming that you want to delete it. If that was the only destination, navigation is now stopped. 2) If you set more than one destination on your route, step (1) asks you which destination to delete. When you delete the last one, navigation is now stopped. 3) If you do not have buttons all across the screen bottom, but just the "On ►►" button at the left, press that, then go to (1).
Is there also a voice command that reliably succeeds in doing the same? I know it must be very specific.
I haven't tried lately, but it looks like you already found an older post of mine where saying "delete next destination" apparently worked.
If anyone can confirm that voice command "delete next destination" indeed works on the 2010 Gen. 3 Prius (trim level V) type navigation... before I pass that on to a likely very flustered senior driver, it'll be a relief for them. Her patience wanes for trying possible solutions and gets frustrated easily with tech. Granted, it's very counterintuitive why "delete next destination" on a single destination trip is the magic command, when saying "delete destination" doesn't do it.
IIRC, it also understands "delete all destinations" and "delete final destination", so those would work too. Just doesn't have "delete destination". (I've actually had less voice success with the Gen 5 than my old Gen 2s - almost given up on trying to get it to understand me. At least the Gen 2 had a list of phrases it understood, and you could aim for them. Even if the gen 5 recognises my words and displays them, doesn't mean it understands what to do...)
Interesting, and again, does this result in canceling the route guidance as desired? Or does this literally, and confusingly, delete from all our stored preset destinations (e,g., for Home and family members' addresses), wiping them from memory and requiring them to be re-inputted? A sticky with all known/confirmed commands for each navigation unit would be handy.
The 2010 Prius Owners Navigation Manual and 2010 Prius Navigation System Quick Reference Guide might be the best sticky places for known/confirmed commands, and they are on the outside of the TIS paywall.
For future reference, the Navi commands are on p. 21, a rather short, exact list of 42 commands, excluding an even longer list of voice POIs. Still seek confirmation whether "delete all/final destination(s)" wipes out presets or just ends guidance. If the latter, then I lament the lack of a more sensical and intuitive word choice, such as "stop guidance" or ""delete destination." Senior management has to entirely defer to native speakers on issues like this. We see the same problem here in Taiwan, incidentally.
As I say, I haven't re-checked it recently, but I'm pretty sure I would not have made that older post if I had not checked it then. The destination was simply "deleted" from my route. It was not deleted from memory, or from the planet. It's still there, no casualties.
If it turns on the radio or changes the temperature, I'm certain everyone laments the lack of a more sensical and intuitive word choice. But, oddly enough, they do what they say they do, same as the "delete first destination" command.
Somewhat similar: I bemoan the loss of tactile, keep-eyes-on-the road controls for heat/vent controls, in particular for changing vent mode. I'd love to have this: Instead of this: ^ Pretty much everything in the latter is impossible to adjust without concerted visual attention, which is nigh impossible on a rainy night on twisty roads. This is the opposite of progress for everyone, not just the "getting on" crowd. I think the reason it bugs seniors more, is they remember how stuff used to be. As to why car manufacturers would turf out ergomic/tactile controls, replace them with uniform, multi-function buttons and (even worse) touch-screens, I think the answer is obviou$.
May add this elsewhere later where it can readily be seen without diving into manual(s). Here are all the direct voice commands, excluding POIs, for Gen 3: (Destination) "Delete next destination" "Delete final destination" "Delete all destinations" "Pause guidance" "Resume guidance" "Repeat guidance" "Previous start point" "Mark this point" (Change Route) "Quick route" "Short route" "Alternate route" "Detour" "Detour entire route" (Guidance Help) "Route overview" "Next destination map" "First destination map" "Second destination map" "Third destination map" "Fourth destination map" "Fifth destination map" (Screen Preferences) "Map" "Dual Map" "Single Map" "Compass Map" "Arrow Mode" "Freeway Mode" "Intersection Mode" (Map Operation) "Zoom in" "Zoom out" "Right map zoom in" "Right map zoom out" (Map Orientation) "North up" "Heading up" "Map direction" "Right map north up" "Right map heading up" "Right map direction" (Traffic) "Traffic information" {Volume) "Volume up" "Volume down"