When I was on GEnie (an old online service now long forgotten), we had a fantastic thread about epitaphs. With the wit & facility with words I see in this forum, I thought this might be fun here. Rules are, just add one, tho' I'm starting out with a few to get things started: MR. TORN - RIP MRS. MUIR - She Finally Gave Up The Ghost RUDOLPH - Our Deer Departed MRS. O'LEARY'S COW - Kicked the Bucket FRED ROGERS - No More Mr. Nice Guy
Here lies a tenderfoot, name of Steve, Learnt the hard way, did this cheat, Two fours, two Jacks, and one Jack up his sleeve, Three deuces and a .38 slug it still can't beat.
"He called the Don a liar." "I'd rather be here than with the in-laws." "Here lies Mr. Reece, First name: Jake. He stepped on the gas Instead of the brake." "The last words of Mr. Tuscano: 'So you're absolutely sure this is the right wire to cut?" "May he rest in peace, Mr. John Applegate: Just one final bite and he finished his plate. He was known all around for how much that he ate, But the restaurant floor couldn't hold all that weight."
This one isn't funny but I've never been able to forget it. In the old abandoned cemetery in the ghost-town of Bodie there is a stone that simply says: "Elizabeth, my wife." It broke my heart a hundred years later.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Alnilam @ Dec 26 2006, 06:53 PM) [snapback]366872[/snapback]</div> That's because those few words said it all. And then some. Mine isn't exactly funny either, but I'll continue what I began as a hopefully humorous thread: GEORGE W. BUSH - We are forever in your debt