My 2010 Prius has a mold smell I can't track down. We don't get a lot of rain but a year ago we did and the car sat outside (windows up) while it got pounded. After a long while it aired out but after the recent rain it's back. Anyone have any ideas? Sure wh=ould like to clean it up. Thank you!
check the 12v battery and spare tyre areas. make sure all the carpeting is dry, and the a'c drain is open. have the hvac cleaned.
Ya'll have been getting alot of rain in California lately... Probably just a little extra moisture getting tracked into the car amid constant high humidity. It will go away soon as the weather warms up. Up here in the Pacific Northwest that smell in our cars is what we call November thru middle of June.
Lots of AC use, right up to the moment of shut down, can lead to mold growing in the fins of the AC radiator (aka evaporator?) in the dash.
That was my first thought... But the amount of rain and high humidity in California in past couple weeks negated that suggestion.
Hang one of those plastic bags in the car that sucks up moisture I can't think of the name of them You can buy them at Walmart in a box and packs of two I use them pretty regularly I just can't remember the name this will suck out the moisture in your car and probably your air conditioner too if you leave it sitting in there or good 36 40 hours or so that bag will fill up with water and it will dry the inside of your car out pretty quick unless you have standing water on carpet so you need to inspect that first all the carpet under the seats where your feet goes under those WeatherTech mats you put in all of that if you have no moisture in the carpets than you're good with this bag that collects the moisture even if you had water in the trunk spare tire and just behind the battery in the trunk well remove the plugs put some holes that let water pass through as we've discussed before You want water to pass through the chassis not get in it and sit so there's always that I have some of the plug strategically removed in my cars like in my old Corollas the ones in the center of the front floor boards would be removed so when the dash dripped which happened in those cars water would hit the carpet go through the carpet if it was enough it would find its way out of that hole and pass through. Did this in Corolla from 74 to 82 mostly all of them wagons coupes TE51 lift backs all of them.
Tom buc 2, I’m a lazy old man but I want to learn everything Prius but when I read you posts then reread your posts I just give up. I hope you’re able to make sense of what I wrote.
Get some bags of the moisture out Make sure water can pass through your car you'll be good to go Make sure the seal around the trunk area is completely clear of tree funk etc should end all the funny business.