Junkyard has a Prius with the JBL system. I see the radio the amp and all the speakers. Can this swap into my car that's not got the JBL system? I'm guessing not done there's no harness for it
Might need to also get the floor, door, and instrument panel wire harnesses from the donor car. That would be quite a swap.
What is it you want from the JBL system You know the speakers are paper cone cloth surround orange label type If you're looking at the six disc changer that's usually with most of the JBL systems I see I think you could put that in the car and all that would work but I'm not sure about it I would have to take the JBL unit and try it it'll power up and all but I'm not sure if how the amplifier works by the time you were to do all this and get it right if you had to have those wiring harness which I'm guessing you will because just looking at a car with SKS and one without you changing over door harnesses and everything if you were to even try to fool with that I had a kid over here that's trying to do that right now and I believe he's given up because it's a lot of malarkey. In this car it seems it would just be better to add four mid-base drivers fairly modern ones like my Infinity whatever they are 6.5 mid base drivers and little tweeters that could be fabbed into the little spaces in the door where the sail mirror goes And in the back on the upper part of the door panels if you happen to have those or you could put your own on the upper door panel if you didn't add an amp under the seat and you're good then with an adapter I think you could take a high signal off the head unit run it into the amplifier get it matched correctly and have relatively decent sound I would imagine. I have the Infinity speakers running off the regular head unit amplifier and then I usually have some kind of device playing through the auxiliary from sort of various player of mp3s or whatever and that holds so much music it just sits there in the console under the armrest forever I mean it will take me years to go through all that music.
A fresh set of speakers will make a noticeable improvement in your current system. I have done this on several older cars, putting a medium priced speaker in was worth the time and money/
Ya that's what i figured. I started digging into it and gave up after i noticed the amphad no large gauge wires running into it. Not much of an amp in that case. I'll just get some speakers. How many are in the car?
I’ve got the stock high-end JBL in a 2014 and Toyota has crippled the software functions. Shame on them.