has 239933 miles.... Changed the rear brakes in November 2023 Yesterday the rear brakes locked up (Fronts are fine). NO CODES... I freed them up enough to drive home by hitting the caliper with a hammer... This is what I have done so far: 1.When I disconnect the battery it freed up a little bit but not much (Check by turning the tire by hand) 2.Emergency brake is working properly 3.Remove the calipers: Slide pins are free moving I retracted the calipers pistons with no problem they are not locked I have no idea, I believe it is electrical but with no codes, I have no idea what to look at next. I was going to change the calipers but when the pistons retracted freely I doubt it is the calipers. Thanks In Advance for the Help!
How do the pads look, any evidence of beveled wear? Do rotors have even wear, or conversely, any zone that looks rusty, untouched, in particular on inside face? Are you aware of the need to orient caliper piston face so that it’s like an X, not a cross? Check my signature for rear brake drag info, on a phone turn it landscape to see signature.
Pads look fine, rotors are fine.... Yes I am aware of the orientation of the X and that is correct...
It's most likely your parking brake hanging up if you don't have duel braking system (pads & drum). The replacement pads are probably slightly thicker than OEM specs.. when the parking brakes actuate they will sometimes get stuck - until the pads wear down to max. OEM spec. thickness. That happened on my old Honda prelude. It hung-up twice, took it apart both times, couldn't find anything, then went away for good, this also happened after I replaced the rear pads. I did readjust the rear brake cable, all the way to the ends of it's adjustment just to make sure. Readjusted a year later for better grip on hills, no issues. Hope this helps....