Ah ... I guess that could go with a noise even when the car isn't moving, because the slight torque through the transmission would spin the axle stub around, without the wheel restraining it.
Thanks for coming back to let us know, peope don't do that often enough on here. And of all the potential repair costs for the symptoms you had this one is probably one of the least expensive ones.
Definitely. I can’t be the first to have had this issue but it was definitely concerning. The dealer wants 1100 to fix it but I’m calling the indie shops lol
Just driving down the road and your axle breaks? I certainly don't recall any prior report of such a thing here. Somebody's gotta be first ....
Which side? Owned since new? Curb encounter in past? was the EGR cleaned, say in conjunction with engine rebuild?
They actually did not, I’ll look at the report to see which side it was. I believe it was drivers side just based off of the symptoms