As per title? I want buy it for taxi so its very important how reliable and costs for maintanance? I would be very happy hear some numbers: Millage you have driven since bought Total repair costs How much of this was maintansnce And how much unexpected repairs? Also how much your garage charge per hour work? Because if its dealership @100per hour For you I may get job done @20usd per hour as i live in cheaper country Seller today agreed sell on installments on monthly basis He claims he have a fleet of 25 cars And on average he spends 1000 eur per year @60k miles milleage per year It seems too optimistic for me We have cheap labour here but still...
They have a clogging egr and intake manifold problem, and also a coolant pump software issue that can cause overheating and head gasket failure. Also brake actuator and inverter issues, but some have lasted for many miles without a major issue
I've got a 2011 with 105K miles. I really haven't had that many issues. Perhaps I've been lucky so far with the EGR and such. I did change out the wheel bearings after they started making noise. That's also been a maintenance item with my 2009. I think you might do better with a Gen 2 or a Gen 4 for what it's worth. It depends on the miles the car has, and what kind of miles you're going to be putting on it. If it's got less than 100 K miles, you've got a chance at getting ahead of the EGR thing. If he's got a fleet, and he's been servicing that, part and it's got a more than 100 K miles, then maybe. Less so if it's got more than 150K miles. If you're really going to be depending on this car to earn your living, it will probably be a good car for you - up until the point that it isn't. Check into things and see what it would cost you to get, and put in another engine from a wrecked car. Put that in the bank and have it ready.