Can any one help my display has stopped working. i have the speedo and fuel gauge but the right one has disappeared
Mr. Leisk, you have exactly described a problem I am having now. We have a 2010 Gen 3 base model. It has 225k miles on it and I replaced the 12V batter about 2 years ago. I just ran a battery tester on the 12V and it is functioning at 100%. I understand that there are three fuses that also are involved in the proper functioning of the currently malfunctioning multi-information display, and I have replaced each of the fuses and the problem persists. Per Art's Automitive in Berkeley, CA USA: According to the Toyota service information if, "Multi-information display does not light up (Combination meter assembly operates normally)." then "Combination Meter Assembly (Multi-information Display)" [is bad] OR "Combination Meter Assembly (No. 3 Meter Circuit Plate)" [is bad]. I am hoping there is some other information because the No.3 Meter Circuit Plate is an expensive replacement part indeed. I have not priced a new Multi-Information Display but I doubt they're cheap. Last year I threw a clazzio leather interior into it, and I replaced the suspension myself with KYB so it drives and feels like its 2-3 years old. I have a problem on my hands if I can not read the odometer (California will make me smog test the car and requires an odometer reading).
Half of the display (fuzzy as to which half) is projected, the projector beneath a little window in the bottom of the display cove. May not be your issue, but just for giggles check if there’s something like a business card tossed in there, blocking the projector.
The speedometer, fuel, and MPG gauges are the projected part ... making them optically farther from your eyes, so you don't have to refocus as much when glancing at them from the road. The other parts of the gauge cluster are just where they appear to be.
ChapmanF is correct. The projected side is working. I verified that I can get the car smog tested and registered here in CA without a functioning odometer, so that was my main concern (being legal). Now I would just like to know how to read the odomoter without a functioning MID, if that is possible. Does anyone know if an XTool or something like that can read the odometer? My Blue Driver does not. In the mean time I'll change the oil every 3 months and assume the car is racking up 20k miles a year, and perform maintenance accordingly. I was really hoping to get 20 years out of this car (I'm the original owner). My '97 Integra is running fine.
Yep, that'll do it. Once a stray piece of paper slid forward over the projector in my car, leading me to worry for a few minutes that the display had died.
Follow up: The display started working again, for a bit. Then it stopped. I had heard poor soldering of the MID to the No.3 Meter Circuit Plate is a top failure of gen 3 prius. I'm convinced it's poor soldering and I just need to get the dash off and fix that. The time invedted will be an afternoon for me. The cost basically $0. If that's not the problem, I'll post back to here but I'm 99% sure this is the cuplrit.