I seldom do this, but I sure would love some very positive energy and prayers. My better half's son - really, like my own son, as I love him dearly, was in a terrible accident early Saturday morning. If you read the article and see the pictures of the car, you'll see how incredible it was that anyone lived at all, but out of the 5 kids, one did die, and it's been a terrible, sad weekend. http://www.ocregister.com/ocr/2004/08/29/s...icle_220619.php Please pray for us all.. Justin's got so many injuries, and he has a long road ahead for healing. I'm thankful he is alive. There is no good reason this horrible accident happened, and if I had any wisdom to impart, it's to keep a very close watch on your own teens and by all means, them having a cel phone is not a good gauge of where they actually are. It's an electronic leash that you cannot see the end of, so to speak. Dianne
Dianne, My thought and prayers are with you and your family during this very difficult time. May all find peace and health very soon. Jeff
Diane, I have three kids - two of whom drive and the horror is so real....my prayers are with all of the people involved to find peace and a complete recovery for the injured... Pat
Dianne, Sending all my good thoughts and warm wishes to you and your family in this rough time. *hugs* -m.
Our prayers go out to you and everyone involved. Having 3 kids, all of which made it through the teens with only minor scrapes, we can understand how hard this is for you. May his recovery be swift and complete.
Diane, I'm very sorry to hear about this. We will be praying for your family. All teens need to see and read about this. If you don't have a password, use: rocat99 rocat99
I see these tragedies on a very regular basis, and it gets no easier. You can be angry that the kids were being "stupid", but it's hard to do knowing how close I came, without knowing it, when I was a teen to similar results. I'm not a religious person Di, but my thoughts and well wishes are with all of you. Kids are darn resilient and tend to do well.
Be sure to tell your stepson that we are all thinking of him and wishing him well. I truly believe that one's outlook helps or hinders their condition. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.
Dianne Our prayers go out to your stepson, you, and the rest of your family for comfort and healing. Dan
my thoughts and wishes for a fast recovery are yours. Sorry to hear this, and there are no good reasons for an accident, ever.
As someone who lost a good friend (pretty much a brother) in a car accident a couple years ago last week, although to different circumstances, I know the grief that these families and friends of those injured/killed are feeling. As Frank said above there's never a good reason for why these things happen. The most we can do is become closer and console each other when they do happen. It brings a sense of togetherness and community where it may not have been before, while re-enforcing them where it is. My thoughts and prayers, well wishes and hopes for speedy recoveries for all involved are with you Dianne. May the healing process be swift and as easy as possible! (REALLY wish there was a hug icon!)
Dianne: i will pray for you and your son for a speedy recovery. Chart: thanks for the password. you are right, this is an article that all teens should read and i have printed it out and delivered copies to both my nephews one 19 the other 17.
I have a son and a daughter and you are living my worse fear. I will pray for you and your son. Any positive energy is going to him. Kids heal it is amazing. I have seen many miracles in my 40 years. Keep the faith and believe. It will happen. My God bless him.