In checking the fluids in my 2017 before a trip I did look at all the areas under the hood and found next to the oil filler cap was full of acorns. With the squirrels stocking up maybe we should do it also.
hurricanes coming. i suppose they might make wiring harness issues non issues. still, i'd move to higher ground
“Near the Gulf of Mexico”? With every thing being relative, I suppose that’s true. But it’s kind of like saying Regina is near Medicine. Significance is evident to one who has spent anytime in Houston area in the “winter” months.
Hurricanes? Kind of missing the point there Bisco. Ever spent a winter anywhere in Texas? Apparently, not.
Winter weather events cost $754 million annually in Texas, Dallas leads in hail damage There is that but I believe the inferred point is that strange weather may include the chance of winter hurricanes driving more unusual weather than Texas is used to. If weather is wet in the north of Africa this winter (almost never was in the past) You will get unprecedentedly early hurricanes expanding hurricane season to a year round affair. Given how messed up our weather has been anything is possible
Uh oh, a single snowflake fell and every car in Houston totaled out