Vegan Cars? The L.A. Times Cruises the Road to Ruin “Is your car vegan?†With that irrational question, Los Angeles Times Staff Writer Sharon Bernstein begins an August 23, 2004 press release...I mean, article called “Automakers Getting a Taste for Vegan Values.†Bernstein is referring to the Toyota Prius...a car she claims not only “impeccable green credentials,†but is vegan to boot. What is a vegan car? According to Toyota, the L.A. Times, and other uninformed, trendy souls, the Prius qualifies because its seats aren’t leather. That’s it. Simple, huh? Not wanting to miss out on the corporate greenwashing, Ford Motor Company recently ran what Bernstein calls “an eight-page advertisement in the New Yorker magazine touting the company’s green credentials. The ad led off with the boast that 11 members of the design team for the company’s soon-to-be-released hybrid Escape SUV are vegetarians, and its leader is a vegan.†Even Mercedes Benz, Bernstein informs us, will offer a “non-leather package starting with the 2005 model year, in response to customer requests.†This is what democracy, uh...drives like? Read entire article by clicking this link. Jeff
Vegans When will people (aka) reporters learn that people that own a Prius like the idea it may cost only 22 dollars to fill-up? That is only if gas goes up to $2.00 a gallon.
More on vegan cars :wink: Is Your Car Vegan? - LACB, August 29, 2004 Toyota says it'll never offer leather in its Prius
Re: More on vegan cars Well, it already has. Leather/alcantara used to be an option, even though not a factory installed one, at least in Finland. It's Toyota's very own Prius stuff which is just installed here in Finland, and also carries the 3 year / 100000 km warranty. However, they have recently changed it to an all-alcantara one. That was my choice, since it's very thick and durable, and also almost black.