Mine was bad so i ordered the new caps. I looked at the circuit board and there was no way I was gonna do it . i found a local guy who repairs lap top electronics. From him the new caps were $13 and the repair was $20. I'm back in business for $33. Thought I'd share.
Congratulations you saved some money. When mine went finally out I paid $180 using an online marketplace service. He removed it from the car, repaired it and install it back. I could do it but I was busy and my son needed the car. Combination meter still works fine.
I was gonna try it myself until I had the circuit board in my hand and realized it wasn't worth the chance. I was then gonna do like you and send it in. I thought about it and realized there has to be someone in town who knows how to fix circuit boards. I first started asking friends who I thought might be capable. I knew there were small businesses in town that fixed cell phones so I did a search and found this guy. Gonna have him fix my daughter's also.