Hi Gang Hoping someone's had some experience with this. The short version is that, after any significant rainfall, water appears to be accumulating in the trunk lid above the rear window. When I drive the car or open the hatch, water runs out of the top part of the trunk, above the passenger seat. Rest of the car is dry, and it doesn't appear to be spilling out when the trunk is closed. I just had the car in the shop for the 80K maintenance, they ran a check and said all the drainage channels were clear - however, when I picked the car up, I opened the trunk and, surprise surprise, a bit of water leaked out of the same spot. This vid's from after the last big rainfall: Any idea what might be going on here? Thanks!
If I remember correctly, there is weatherstripping on the outside of the car between the panels which can wear out. So the water may be getting in between the roof and side, then making its way to where you eventually find it.
A reputable glass shop might be your best bet. If I had to guess, I would say that the glass perimeter seal is leaking. That, or the rear wiper shaft seal is leaking. That’s about the only way water can get into the hatch area. Has the car had the glass replaced for some reason?
Check the seal around the wiper arm. It's probably cracked. It's inexpensive and easy to replace. If that's not the problem, then the seal around the rear glass my be cracked If that is the case, you could run a bead of black silicone around the glass and deck.
On my 2015, during the winter I had knocked the rear wiper washer spray nozzle out of its hole when brushing off snow. This let water into the lid and a waterfall into the interior when the lid was opened as you describe. Reinserted it, no more water.
Bump for relevant info. I had the exact same issue in the first video posted on a 2013 I just bought - water leaking down after a rain on the left side trunk trim. My issue was the rear wiper grommet. Fix - I pulled my trunk trim using this video You can see the residue around the gasket and corrosion on the motor in the pictures below. IMG-2749-Large by 462disco posted Jan 16, 2024 at 9:45 PM IMG-2748-Large by 462disco posted Jan 16, 2024 at 9:45 PM Part you need is 85143-72010, Grommet, Rear Wiper Motor. Pop the cap off the rear wiper, it's one nut you remove and you can access the gasket. Hope this helps someone in the future.