Hi everyone. I searched for this topic, but couldn't come up with an example. If you know of a previsou thread, please just let me know. I am a newbie - just bought a 2008 Prius two weeks ago. It has 28k miles on it. I am not at all mechanically inclined, so thought I'd start here, instead of taking it to the dealership. Maybe it's normal! I've noticed that the brakes are making a deep "clunking" noise. They only do this in 2 scenarios. One, if I am at a complete stop on a hill, and release the brake (either to drive forward, or to back up out of my driveway) it makes this noise. Two, if I'm slowing down for a light or a stop sign and I'm gradually braking, once I get to friction braking, if I release the brake and then re-apply the brake, to continue the slow stop, it makes this noise. If once I get to friction braking, I just hold the brake and come to a stop, it doesn't do this, but makes for a much harsher stop. I know this is vague - and I apologize. Does this ring any bells with anyone? It's kinda a thumping, clunky noise. My mom even noticed it when I was visiting last weekend, and asked me why it was making that noise. Thanks!
That's not a normal braking noise for a Prius. It suggests a loose part in the mechanical brakes. See if you can isolate which brake, and take a look at it. Tom
My '05 brakes clunk also, though only when they have gotten wet, and then only in certain situations. If I go through puddles in the last mile or so before parking the car overnight in the garage, the brakes will clunk when I first back out in the morning. I've assumed this was caused by the pads sticking to a slight coating of rust that may have formed on the discs overnight. Occasionally I've heard clunks at other times, but I believe it's only been during and after heavy rains.
Well, this thread is from 2010. If you click on the member's name from any post, it will show you the most recent activity. Hytec for example was last on the forum in 2012. Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.