Hello all, I picked up my car Saturday and I've been charging daily for my commutes to work and home. Its Prius Prime XSE with advertised EV range at 39 miles. With the heat off, I've been getting around 33-35 miles on a range with grandma like driving. Because the car is so new, will I see the EV range go up as the car continues to break in?
congrats! no, but it will go up when summer comes. have you ever owned a plug in before? don't forget, the epa test is not based on your driving. as always, ymmv. but do check your tyres pressure
Appreicate the feedback. Yes, this is my first Plug in. I've had Hybrids before, which I know the cars computer can be generous with the MPG displayed. Why I always used Fuelly. Always got a watchful of the tire pressure as it usually drops below freezing where I live and tire pressure warning lights are a frequent thing for most people.
it may go up over time depending on your driving, the weather and hvac use. if you're curious and have the time, give it a full charge and see how far you can go on back roads before the engine comes on.
My normal work commute is backroads, I always avoid the highway as much as possible. People like like maniacs' on the highway where I live. My work commute is 29 miles one way. I charge at home and at work. I've only used the gas engine once since I brought the car home Saturday. Which was just me going for a joy ride around town, lol. But I've noticed over my week of driving back and forth to work, with temps fluctuating between 20 to 50 degrees F. That my predicted EV range has been between 33-35, last night it predicted 37 miles. When engaging the hvac, I've noticed that it will subtract about 3-4 miles from my predicted range. But I rarely use the hvac because the heated seats and steering wheel is more than capable to keep me warm. Guess time will tell, I've seen a couple people post on Facebook group that their ev range has gone up after a month of ownership. My guess is the car estimates your ev range based on driving pattern? either way, I'm supper happy with the car. I appreciate all your feed back!
yes, tht's exactly how the software works, based on past driving range, except when new, it starts with a factory default. if you driving is similar everyday, the guess-o-meter is fairly accurate. but if it is not, and/or the weather changes drastically, it will be less accurate. all the best!
The miles per kWh is good to monitor, the car is capable. I think the car comes fully broken in on ev. 4.5-5 miles/kWh or above is a good number. It’s very sensitive to driver input. Whatever your usable battery level is times miles/kWh is the range left. I would say the display is 100% accurate to the input numbers, being a calculator. It has to use the miles/kWh from the past driving record.