This guy knows nothing about the prius EGR System and gets a credibility Rating with me of 0 that's ZERO......... and there is no firware update that will stop the blown head gasket..... my prius had all updates and a new water pump and still blew the head gasket. I purchased the car used and cleaned the Entire EGR System as soon as I learned about it but it was past 175,000 miles then.......
Euro-TSB refers to ‘severe conditions’ that seem within the ordinary range. What do you suppose are the temperature limits they’re trying to hold short of with this TSB? We routinely see 199F on water, 194F on oil at highway speeds, with a five degree split between the two on the rise and drop.
The problem that needed better water pump control was thermal cycling, not normal high running temperature. I have documented and posted video of 40f swings. On the newer hybrids thermal cycling is managed well.
Both OP’s prospects are comfortably below 100k, EGR and head gaskets sufficiently noted, and move on?
OK Joker............ or Mr. Doesn't know a THING about the prius............ Yes i'm DIY I've done the head gasket myself and the Invertor and the water pump and the master cylinder and the traction battery and replaced the trani.... Have you?
Out of curiosity, does anyone know if the head gasket failures are concentrated in a particular climate? With talk of temperature swings, that makes me think of up north where the motor gets hot then might cool rapidly while sitting at a red light or traffic jam, etc.. I'm in S. FL, it doesn't get that cold here so I wonder if the issue is as prevalent here as in other places.
Everyday, all day..Maybe if you had all the case studies from customer's cars I do you'd be a little more humble and not look so ridiculous. I know why the head gaskets fail and EGR is WAY down on the list buddy. I have hundreds and hundreds of examples I can refer to but can't give out private info on a public forum.
The most head gasket issues arise in either extreme weather climates not just one or the other. HG's also are "blown" or "leaking" long before most people realize it and something pushes it over the edge to start the big consumption of coolant. Just remember, long highway trips or steady driving (not stop and go) things last much longer. I've seen 250k mile cars with no signs of EGR's cleaned and just now getting their first signs of head gasket failure that were highway runners. Short tripper cars are always the ones I see blown at 120k.
I use and monitor an OBD2 reader constantly displaying those two parameters and 10 others every time I fire up the system. That said, it only reports what the OBD2 sees.
I also monitor obd2 in realtime and did a video recording of the behaviour a few years ago posted here on the subject. There are obvious conclusions to be made. Enough said…
This site has really gone downhill..but keep on DIY'ing, it brings shops more work when you guys screw stuff up and come grovelling hat in hand asking for help and more understanding. We're going to charge you guys double the labor rate.