I got Techstream+OBD2 dongle and a virgin key from ebay and was able to follow intructions on youtube. I was successful for the most part. The remote works fine and the car recognizes the key and runs fine. However, I tested the operation without battery. The one where you tap the key against the start button while pressing brake and teh start button and this doesn't work with the duplicate key. THe one original key I got works in this scenario as well. Is it simply a limitation of this type of knock off keys or is there another step in this process to address this? Thank you all so much.
there should be an rfid chip inside the key case. that's what talks to the start button without battery rfid-bad.245919
Yes I imagine the key you bought doesn't have the transponder chip that goes with your vehicle If it has a chip in it it's either unprogrammed or programmed to some other car or who knows what to program that RFID chip you need the locksmith tool that's been talked about here before that does that there's several models that locksmith have It's a machine usually that's at the shop or in their mobile shop maybe It actually programs the transponder My locksmith in Maine all lock and key could clone any transponder key and send it back to me and 24 hours to North Carolina but you have to have that machine to do it or you have to buy a machine.
Ok. Sounds like there are 2 systems here - SKS (Smart Key System) and RFID. I have programmed the SKS but not the RFID. And programmign the RFID is done through another system and not techstream. Ok, back to the rabbit hole to research this. Appreciate the pointers. Thank you!
Most locksmith can program the RFID trapezoidal chip that goes in the bottom of your remote they may even be able to work with the one you have that doesn't go to the car you have but usually the locksmith needs or used to need something to clone like the old trapezoidal chip so he can make a duplicate so you have two remotes not having anything means that somebody has to be able to read the SKS system or have the label that's under one of the two original fobs with all the FCC ID info and part numbers and so on I do believe that is correct. My guy up in New England I was able to send him any transponder key or key fob and he would send me back my original and another one All programmed made up and if it had a metal key it was already cut no matter the type of arrangement no problem.
Just to make sure I understand what you are saying....this is a perfect clone of the key, meaning that it does not impact the max allowable keys the car can have? More importantly, can you share your guy?
Yes clone of the original as far as I could always tell . He did all my Aprilia keys with chips in key head and obviously no buttons as is motorcycle. Basically like the criminals do code grab and program these transponder chips with said code. I will see who's running the shop now twas All lock and key in Maine USA. And their are others. The machine used to do this is well known throughout the lock industry.
Yes let me find out if he is still in business I know if he is his son would be running the place because he would be old as dirt of course I guess locksmithing might not matter so much but I will find out
I don't remember if I've done this in a Gen 3 (hmm, I should go check that my spare fob works via RFID). In Gen 2, both things were done in Techstream, just with two separate utilities in separate steps. Nothing 'programs' the RFID chip that sits in the fob. That has a fixed number burned into it. The car gets programmed to recognize that number. Some aftermarket fobs are, by contrast, programmable; those can be made to transmit the same code as some already-registered fob that you've got. Not sure if their RFID chips can work that way too.