I noticed the distance sensor kept beeping going through a drive thru the other day. The car thought I was too close to the wall lol. Is there a way to temporary shut the beeping off in these situations?
The owner's manual guidance for this feature, the Intuitive Parking Assist, begins on page 362. There are instructions on how to disable the feature, along with information that may help you figure out if something is going wrong. Turning it off isn't temporary though, and the feature will remain off until turned back on again. The warning graphic on pages 370 through 372 describes various conditions that may produce false detections. There may be damage or misalignment of a sensor that consistently makes false detections. I get a false detection from the front sometimes when pulling in to my carport when the sensor detects a 3 inch difference in height between the carport floor and the foundation of the house. Otherwise, I have heard it making noise in close-quarter parking lot situations but have been too absorbed in careful navigation to notice what was being reported.
If you are stationery you could just pop it into Park and that stops them bleeping, then back to drive when you move off.
Ty this seems the best idea. I don't want to go into menus and disable, which is why I asked temporarily like pressing the label assist button on the wheel turns it in and off.