I've just installed a new Mekede M6Pro Plus 2k Android head unit into my 2007 Japanese (RHD) Prius. Sadly the 2nd gen Prius canbus kit I ordered from aliexpress 'skyframe' arrived as a Prado model. https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1005002608270523.html?spm=a2g0o.order_list.order_list_main.77.61611802Wc7pVj I bought the "Full Set A High" as they did not define what High or Low meant. In discussions with them they are trying to now say that there is no canbus on a 2nd gen Prius. Is that true? They are telling me to just order the straight cable with 68R resistor now with no canbus box. E.g the "Low" kit. I now think that they mean 'low' equates with the non-JBL model perhaps? I don't have the JBL head unit. But I thought I still needed a canbus box in order to get car data to the head unit for further tracking and info, right? Or not really? If so, does anyone know of a compatible model canbus box and harness kit that will work? There seems to be a long list of canbus box brands and models listed within the android head unit, but no idea which brand and model would actually be compatible nor where to buy one. Thanks so much.
The Gen 2 has CANBUS as well as a few other networking buses. What I think they mean is that the Gen 2 does not use the CANBUS for your application which seems reasonable as I believe the WLAN and/or the BEAN are/is used in that area. We know that the straight cable with the 68Ω resistor works, so I'd go with that.
Do you have version that changes bottom radio or upper navigation MFD? Did you solve problem with resistor? Regards, Alen