Is it possible to sell and transfer a personalized Prius license plate in Arizona? I have the personalized license plate which reads: 'PRIUS'. I'm selling my 2014 Prius to a California resident.
I can tell you you're not going to do it in North Carolina I'm not sure about Arizona to California if the Prius plate is not taken then you could possibly get it but I wouldn't be looking for anything like that to be happening
I don't think it can "stay with the car" if he sells it, especially in this case as he's selling it to someone in a different state. State DMV will issue the buyer a new CA plate....
I wasn I wasn’t clear in my post. Sorry. I know the AZ plate and its personalized lettering (‘PRIUS’) must stay in AZ. I also know the AZ Dept of Transportation will allow me to keep the rights to the personalized lettering for one year after unregistering the sold Prius. Unless I register the plate onto another car. But I don’t plan to reuse the plate since I purchased a Tesla. My goal is to hopefully sell the ‘rights’ to the plate to an AZ Prius owner. Today, an AZ Dept of Motor Vehicles representative told me today I can do this.
Well that's fine then running advertisement in the local paper saying you're selling a license tag that says Prius and I guess the person who wants to buy it will have to do something with the DMV fill out some paperwork pay a fee so on and so forth so then it should be just like selling a shark vacuum cleaner on the marketplace essentially there you go.
That was my first response. But then I re-read the OP's post and he never said that he called so I changed my reply.. Since I'm an old fart, I was initially thinking call. But maybe the OP sent an email, used a "contact us" webpage or ...shudder... sent a text.