Hey all! I have a 3rd gen with the 4th level trim and I love it! I come from over a decade of modifying Subarus and just now shifted to driving something more economical… $130 (Prius) vs $450 (lifted WRX) a month in gas has been a welcome change! I have a soft clunk up front when going over slow bumps. Front sway bar end links are solid so I’m going to replace the front sway bar bushings. I am going with urethane bushings because why not?! The web site asks for the diameter of the front sway bar and I can’t find what size the factory bar is anywhere! I can’t post a link to the site, but the company is PS Bushings if anyone wants to take a look. From the site where I am getting the urithane bushings, the choices are: 21mm, 22mm, and 23mm. I found one spot buried in Reddit that said it’s 22mm so that’s what I ordered… except for they sent me the 23mm ♂️ Does anyone know, for sure, what the diameter is of the factory front sway bar?? I have a nice set of calipers but haven’t found the time or situation to crawl under there and measure. If I do before any replies come in, I’ll update this post. This forum has been an absolute treasure trove of information. Thank you all in advance!
I've used IPS bushings and our autocross Toyota celicas over the years before that we bought blocks a urethane and made our own. I have no idea what diameter this way bar is if I get a chance today I'll give it a whirl try and take a measurement I really honestly don't have a clue I would think the aftermarket sway bar manufacturers would be able to tell you very quickly we used to buy those too from several manufacturers and they generally have to know what they were originally so they know what they're going to manufacture they usually go up about a quarter of an inch or so in diameter for the performance model a half inch more on different models It just depends The room you have and all that. I will say this you might want to look into the heavy duty moog end links they are very beefy You start putting on very hard bushings things like that and tightening things up and you'll put an extra load on those end links The thin flat things on some of these cars are quite dainty I got some from my generation too made by move and they are much heavier and you can see it and hold them in your hand and tell it The weight for one.
You won't have to crawl much if you have a wheel off in the front You should be able to grasp a section of the bar and get a decent measurement like I say I'm shocked that this sway bar manufacturers can't tell you I find that pretty interesting but I didn't go look at this sway bar sites either to see but usually they know factory is this we sell and make this and we could make that if you wanted.
That place SHOULD know the size, if you tell them the car, make, model, year. Search other sites, you'll find it. Even searching on ebay a lot of places give you the size of the bushing. Or, take the time to raise the front end, or turn the steering wheel all the way left or right and reach in and take a measurment...
Time is a precious commodity that I have little of to spare. My family and I are temporarily living with my in-laws while we search for our next house and all my tools and equipment are all packed up. I don’t have a permanent place to work and so I would have to use a buddy’s shop after hours and I can’t take up shop space during the day. “Making the time” would mean hours of unpacking gear, transporting tools to a place where I can work after hours, setting up ramps and jacks, taking one measurement, and then packing it all back up and storing it all away. I didn’t want to get all set up to swap the bushings out only to find I have the wrong ones. So for me, not dead simple. That’s why I tried this group after spending more time than necessary searching all over the internet for the info I need. If someone already has the info then it would save me those hours of work I referenced above
Thats solid advice! And ya, I’m floored that I can’t readily find this info. Autozone’s site said one of their bushings had a 18mm internal diameter which is nowhere near the size of the urithane bushings.
I went out and measured ours; no need to raise anything, or even turn the wheel, make it 25 mm. Took me about as long as it took you to type the above.
How many miles on the odometer? Our 2011 with 130K had worn front sway bar end link dust seals. The sway bar bushings still appear to be OK with no excessive play. SM-G781V ?
Or get the Toyota parts. They'd for sure fit, and be the right diameter. Main issue: Toyota parts website got "improved" about 6 months back, and has been a gong show ever since. Maybe find the parts on Amayama first: Front spring & shock absorber for Toyota Prius XW30, 3 generation 01.2009 - 11.2011 - Toyota Car and Auto Spare Parts - Genuine Online Car Parts Catalogue - Amayama Looks to be: BUSH, FRONT STABILIZER BAR, RH Genuine Toyota (4881547030) 48815-47030 BUSH, FRONT STABILIZER BAR, LH Genuine Toyota (4881547020) 48815-47020