OK, my 2018 Prius Four Touring has Adaptive Radar Control. Here is the issue. On the display when I have this activated I have 1, 2, or 3 bars, which represents the relative distance of my car to the vehicle in front of it. I know how to push the button to chose 1, 2 or 3 bars. The issue is those bars used to appear and then after a few seconds would disappear from the display...which it is no longer doing. When they would disappear (temporarily until another vehicle would be detected) there was the ability to see a green light displayed that indicated the car was running on electric mode/the battery. How do I fix this issue? I have scoured the owners manual with no success. Once I can get this resolved I can sleep once again. Thx in advance.
The bars represent a sensitivity setting for the DCC. At 3 bars the system leaves too much space and other cars continuously cut in front of you. At 1 bar the system tends to follow too closely for my taste. I tend to use the DCC at 2 bars as a compromise. It is unnecessary to always have the setting in view. Even at my advance age, I can remember where I set it. JeffD
That is NOT my issue. The issue is I can not get the bars to go away COMPLETELY when using the radar cruise control. It used to be the bars would appear and then after a few seconds disappear (with the cruise still on) and thus allow my to see the green indicator (on the display were the bars were) which indicates when the car is not using fuel, rather running off the battery...thus increasing the fuel mileage.
To have to MFD show the distance in the display briefly when a vehicle is detected and then disappear after a few seconds you need to enable the 'pop up' notifications enabled in the settings menu. Not sure exactly where it is at this time, but it's the vehicle settings somewhere. Maybe it got turned off accidentally?
You are talking about the small 4 inch screen, yes? How do the other screens /. gauges look when cruise control is off? Can you scroll through them all? If you have select / cancel buttons on the steering wheel to control the screens on the 4 inch display - the cancel button will switch that screen you're talking about off (when the screens are all working correctly. This doesn't help you get your screen working correctly, but it may help you get some sleep at night. There is also regular plane ole cruise as well as dynamic cruise. Hold the cruise ON / OFF button for 5 seconds to switch on the regular cruise.
The green light you mention is the EV indicator which lights when the ICE is off and the vehicle is running in electric mode only. In my Owners Manual there is a meter customize section beginning on page 153 that has a list of "pop-up" display settings that you can turn on/off. The cruise control operation display is one of them. There are or may be slight differences in these settings menus between model years and level of options that I don't know about. Somewhere to start maybe. Won't postulate on what could have turned this off.
Yes,, the bars that show the relative distance between our car and the vehicle in front of it appears on the small screen, not the larger 11" screen. I am in Florida, thus any sensors are not covered with snow, etc. So far, none of the suggestions that have been offered has resulted in the solution. I use the green EV light to determine when using the "pulse and glide" technique, which helps increase the gas mileage by getting the car into the EV system more frequently. But alas, until I ever rediscover how to get the EV light to come on and know our car Prius is in EV mode (not using gasoline)...my sleep will continue to be intermittent at best.
I think the issue might be that the Hybrid Indication System is not displaying on my 2018 Four Touring. Any ideas?
The quality and quantity of your sleep is very important, and those that think otherwise do so at their own peril. Enough facts on that lately to not only convince but persuade. I can't say much more about getting your information screens working properly as it might make mine work improperly after I mess with them. I do recommend a good study of your vehicle operator manual which will likely solve your problem. The manuals, although very complete, are a bit difficult to navigate. There also might be some ever so slight operational differences between 2018 and 2021 that would make my suggestions of questionable value.
Have you used the dpad on the right side of the steering wheel to move through the displays? If you go left or right enough times it will eventually get you back to the display you're looking for.
Have you tried using regular cruise control instead of dynamic cruise control? The bars that are blocking your view of the green EV light, should never show up while in regular cruise control. ( Hold the cruise control ( On/Off button for 5 seconds ) to switch on regular cruise control. Does that keep the screen free of the lines blocking your view of the EV dash light?