Both my low beams and my parking lights went out. The headlights weren't turning on and then after switching to parking lights, the parking lights flickered and went out. I drove home with high beams on. I thought it was a fuse but the ones I checked were fine. So I pulled both low beams out and they were toast. Same with parking lights. Any help here? I'm confused and afraid to drive at night until I can remedy this. Thanks
Im no electrical expert so this is just a guess, but maybe one of the bulbs shorting out caused a surge and the rest went with it. Dont worry too much, just replace the blown bulbs and If everything works be sure to keep checking them before driving at night for a while.
There's a long history of people thinking both headlights have burnt out at the same time when in fact one burnt out a while ago and nobody noticed until the second one also burnt out. ...but the parking light situation is a weird wrinkle. That makes me think of a problem with the stalk switch instead. But it sounds like you'll need some replacement bulbs just to test this. I can't think of a reason not to put in new bulbs and see how it does, work from there.
If there was a multimeter in easy reach, I might pick it up before putting the new bulbs in, and just see that 12-ish volts are at the bulb sockets with the switch in the appropriate positions. But if I had to walk very far to grab it, then yeah, I'd probably put the new bulbs in and see what they do.
This wasn't the case. I had just replaced a bulb a few weeks back. I check them routinely because it's a work vehicle. They unquestionably burnt out at the same time.
Any chance you touched those bulbs with your bare hands? Did you use gloves, wipe the bulb with an alcohol pad before installing? Those halogen bulbs burn hot. Any contaminates on those bulbs will cause premature failure - even in the most expensive bulbs.