On my 22 Prime, over the last couple of days I’ve noticed the main display (large size) glows with dim light when I’ve turned the car fully off. I have had to restart the car and immediately turn it off again, at which point the screen turns fully off. Anyone else experience this? Anyone have any trouble-shooting ideas? Thanks.
Not many people on here have a Prius that new... But try disconnecting the 12v battery for a few minutes. That will reboot all the systems from factory default settings and usually eliminates a strange glitch like this.
Took the car in for this issue today. I had found a TSB for numerous glitchy issues with the large navigation display, so I assumed they would do the recommended software update. But, it turned out that the car needed a new 12-volt battery. Replaced for free under warranty. Car was manufactured two years ago and had 7600kms on it. Would the fact that I drive about 90% on electric mean that the 12-volt gets under-charged?
If you drive 90% electric, this means that you charge the car often and while charging, the 12V battery is also being maintained. So no, I don't think that's it. More probably a bad battery.
Yes I read that the 12-volt wasn’t only charged by the engine. But, in general there seems to be a lot of problematic 12-volt batteries among owners. Just poor overall battery quality? I had an FJ Cruiser and I changed that battery after 8 years only because I kept expecting it to fail at that point. Super heavy duty, I guess.
The 12V is being charged whether running electric or on the engine. It is possible the trips are too short to fully charge the battery back up from the starting event though. Lead-acid life spans become shorter when they aren't kept at 100%. The mileage on the car points to short trips, plus it means longer periods for vampire draws and self discharging to further lower the SOC. The battery is maintained while actively charging. When the traction battery charging is done, that maintaining ends, and the vampire drain on the 12V is higher than when unplugged as charge system monitoring is going on. Hybrids don't use the 12V to start the engine; just boot up the computer and flip some relays. So the manufacturer puts in a lower capacity battery to do that job. There still is all those vampire drains cars have these days though. If the battery is a starter type vs a deep cycle lead-acid, it is further susceptible to being to deeply discharged.
Yes, sounds like a combination of short trips only a few days a week, only charged twice a week or so, and relatively modest 12-volt to begin with if it was seen as a light-duty battery. This would mean that this new battery may also last me only a couple years or so.
Yes, I usually unplug after the car has finished charging to prevent vampire draw, although from what I read, is most problematic for the newer Gen5 Prime.