It's been a while since I've posted, but I am first in line for a 2024 Prius Prime XSE that is due at my dealer around the end of December or the beginning of January. I am planning on adding a NEMA 14.50R receptacle to my garage for a level 2 charger. I am seriously considering this charger which has CCID20 GFCI built-in to the unit for UL compliance. I am wondering, in general, about any issues that anyone has had where the combination of GFCI in the charger causes a GFCI on the charging circuit to trip. Also, I am wondering if anyone has any experience with this particular charger operating it on a GFCI protected circuit. NEC code in my area requires GFCI for NEMA 14-50R outlets in garages, and I would like to have the ability to plug in the charger so that I can take it with me if necessary. I already know that if I were to buy a hard-wired charger, I would not need GFCI protection on the circuit. For the GFCI protection, I am planning on installing a GFCI breaker. Thanks in advance!
I have gfci outlets and plug gfci things in, nothing happens. Like an electric pressure washer with gfci on the plug. I believe all the car evse are gfci.
Thanks. Supposedly, there are some chargers that test their grounding by sending a small current to ground. If that is over 5ma, it will trip a gfci breaker - which would be a nuisance trip. But, some chargers are gfci friendly and send less than 5ma to test their grounding. Any such charger would work well with a gfci protected outlet.