I got renters that are intimidated by stuff. Overcome your fears or forever be a follower. Get whatever inverter you wish. I just got a 4kW pure for hardstarts on compressors. Never gonna get that much from 12v but who cares. Get what you like. More is better than less.
well, id rather have them think the worst wrong-case scenario, and that be in the front area in their brain then think "oh its just for one over-nighter trip" and something happens. I do appreciate your concern with the method in which I choose to have my voice heard. It got your attention, didn't it!
Then it's easy to tell them that. "Don't use the inadequate wires that come with your inverter to power large loads, even for one over-nighter trip, or something might happen. Follow the instructions and use wires properly sized for your load." Why muddle that simple message on purpose with stuff about whether the car is a Prius or not, when the issue you want them to understand is completely independent of the kind of car? Unnecessarily confusing people doesn't make them safer.
Old thread, I know. I used a 1000W sine wave inverter, 100 amp fuse, 5 ft of 4 gauge wire. No issues. Set up for camping but rarely used for that. However, I did use several times when we lost home power.
There's a thread you're looking for: Electric power from a hybrid, connecting inverter to the high-voltage system