Good thing then, that this time it was only one sided as I pointed out. lol hey man, that's a very low blow! In case you didn't see the recent ending of his thread, you would know for SURE I wasn't him.
Actually "taxes" and "products" are shared among the plural of you' all. After dividing by the number of tax payers or customers ... not even a whiff of tail pipe emissions. Bob Wilson
Yes we can always compare currencies to others currency. Charlie Manson is worse than i - but I hope to have a higher bar than many of his ilk Similarly there are several bars higher currency than the USA according to Mr Google. Oh well you can't stay number one forever. So goes the deflation game. View attachment 250684 .
It would have been more helpful to include either a link, or the search terms you gave M. Google, so that I could figure out your search criteria. It is very clearly not similar to mine. The Euro and GBP are the only ones even remotely large enough to consider as alternates for our dollar. The current Euro (select Max time span) was introduced 1/1/1999 at $1.1743, and after some movements both ways, is worth $1.0764 as I post. A very slight loss, but over almost 25 years, that is effectively level. No improvement, just a wash. The GBP (Pound Sterling) has lost half its value relative to the U.S. dollar of the past half century. So if devaluation or inflation are your concerns, it has been even worse than our currency. The Swiss Franc has done better than our dollar. It just ain't big enough for a U.S.-sized economy. The Bahrain Dinar has been pegged to a fixed rate to the U.S. dollar for decades. No advantage whatsoever. The Cayman Islands Dollar was pegged to a fixed rate to the U.S. dollar nearly a half century ago. After several legal changes since, and some very tiny fluctuations on an exchange graph, it still appears to be effectively pegged at the same point, give or take a few thousandths. No advantage whatsoever. Absent a more clear expression of the selection criteria, this seems to be a rabbit hole, so I see no point checking the rest of the proffered items. My point still stands: "I feel fortunate to be living under one of the strongest currencies on the planet."
Just any one of the first few searches with words like top five or 10 most stable currencies in the world? yes each search can vary thusly; Top 10 World’s Most Stable Currencies in 2023 | FXSSI - Forex Sentiment Board ho boy ..... a pissin' contest. .
Then reread Post 48 and 50 for said smugness I was referring to. I mean, none of your opinions or ego posturing means a darn thing to me here. Sociopathic tendencies prevent such methods of 'shaming' to be cared about considering your status, assumptions or opinion.
Not even the sort my friend, you'll know it when it reaches that point. "Oh look, he's got a low post count..he must not know what he's talking about"..just had to clarify.
So to drive slightly less than 250 miles you stop twice for a total time of how much? 4 times round trip? And spend how much time getting off the highway and finding them? I do the same trip and maybe stop for 5 minutes for a bio brake on the way there and could do the return trip only stopping once for a combined bio/gas without worrying where I need to stop. My fueling will be just off the highway and there will be one across the street from it. Or ones at the next exit. Darn, gas prices went down again Monday.
Wow, that is a very different list from what list you posted in #69, in response to my "one of the strongest currencies on the planet" comment. And the U.S. ranks higher on this list than your first, confirming my original comment. Your original list of 9 "strongest" currencies included 5 that are pegged to others: 3 (Bahrain, Cayman Islands, Oman) pegged just to the US dollar, 1 (Kuwait) that used to be pegged to our dollar but is now tied to "an undisclosed weighted basket" that still includes our dollar, and 1 (Gibraltar) tied to the British pound. Pegged currencies are effectively just derivatives of what they are tied to, so cannot honestly be represented as 'stronger'. ========= OK, now I see lists by Forbes and others that treat this as a very simple currency trivia question, where by 'strength' they mean just today's numeric exchange rate, nothing more. Nothing related to economic strength. I.e. the Principality of Sealand, featured recently on 60 Minutes, could top this chart by merely pegging its unit value at something higher than Kuwait's pegged rate.
500 mi - total trip rounded up since I visit other casinos in Tunica Overnight - at home and later at hotel, 100% charge, when I'm sleeping or gambling ~15 min - 1st stop limited, topping charge having left the home with 100% charge 20 kWh max - Tuscumbia 75 mi casino bound, ~$5 30 kWh used to reach next charger 10 kWh max - Byhalia 41 mi casino bound, free. Overlap biology breaks while car charging. ~25 min - 2nd stop to add charge to reach home ~10 kWh max - Byhalia 41 mi home bound, free. 30 kWh used to reach next charger ~20 kWh max - Tuscumbia home bound, ~$5 (optional) If not pressed for time, there is a good BBQ place in Hartselle with free charging. Overlap biology breaks while car charging. 80 min - total charging on road for round trip in my 120,000 mi, 4.75 year old, 2019 Model 3. The replacement 2023 Model 3 has a 272 mi range versus 240 mi for my 2019 and can easily complete the casino run with no charging along the way. The long range version goes 358 miles. I've postponed the 'birthday' trip because my favorite Beagle had ACL surgery Thursday. She has to wear a cone collar for the next 10 days and I trust myself to handle her recovery. Bob Wilson
If my wife is with me, a trip from here in the Tampa area to north central Ohio in our Prius takes two days to cover just under 1,100 miles. If I'm by myself, I can canon ball it in one long day, but it's a miserable day. I did that back to back two weeks apart in November. Dehydrated so I only had one stop between gas stops. Four stops in total. Two for gas and food/bathroom. Two for food/bathroom. Ate behind the wheel. Not fun, but fast. The two day trip is a lot nicer. Guess how long it takes in the Bolt. ....... Two days. I think I could canon ball it, but it would be an even longer day. The Bolt required 10 charging stops each way. Longest was 48 minutes. That was because I got delayed by a coaching session to help out a couple drivers new to EVs. Most were under 30 minutes. Bottom line for me is: when I'm in a hurry and don't want to or can't fly, take the Prius. If I'm not in a big rush and want to actually enjoy the trip itself, take the Bolt. Driving by EV adds a dimension of fun to a trip that you can't understand without a shift in thinking about travel styles and objectives. But that's only a small fraction of most drives. Most of the time, charging takes me about 10-15 seconds. Our gas now is about $2.75/gallon. I sell my excess electricity for about 5 cents/kWh.
Well heck if you really don't mind being miserable, you could pee in a jar AS you drive. Maybe it just depends how miserable you want to be on a long trip. In any event your miles per hour average record is pale in comparison to the fastest electric car on a truly looong trip. Tesla has made it all the way across the USA it in 42hours ... the entire cross country trip. Cannonball Run challenge - Wikipedia. Similarly pale in comparison the drive from Northwest Montana to Nashville round trip is 4,100mi. Having done that round trip averaging 60 mph both directions w/ only a 5 day recovery in between? Saved a boat load of money ..... a bit of free PHEV miles ..... but NEVER again. .
My last sojourn to the home sod was a solo run, so like Jerry the math was different as were the stops. It's a roughly 675 mile haul, easily accomplished in a 9-1/2 hour day. Frankly, it's easy as pie to do it in a day with a BEV, if not as convenient. With the GMC it's one 10-minute stop for fuel and maybe a few bio breaks. With a BEV you'd have to toss in a few more fast DC charging breaks and maybe add a couple of hours to your drive. No big whoop either way. Audio books and podcasts actually make it an enjoyable day. It's funny how any mention of TX being a groovy place to live immediately 'goes ugly early' with a comparison to the SoCal. There have been NUMEROUS internet memes about the same thing, including a 6-episode BB series. The OP states that one advantage to living in TX is cheap gas. Fact check: True. I have a brother that's doing 20-to-life behind the Tinsel Curtain in the aptly-named "Golden State." (Punishment for falling in love with a native and procreating.) He's fairly clear-eyed about the advantages AND disadvantages of living in that state. There ARE both. There's one thing though that's undeniably LEFT California. Their Budget Surplus. In the last few years, the state saw historic budget surpluses—including $47 billion in 2021‑22 and $55 billion in 2022‑23. Yesterday in State funded media I read where there's a bit of a hole in this year's budget. Evidently it's not 'fake news.' Budget deficit: Legislative analyst projects $68 billion hole- CalMatters
Both states are part of the United States. Had a war about it. Saying everything, everywhere, and everyone in Calif are the same is fake news. But certain people running for office like to make groups all the same to rile up division. In fact most of Calif by land is probably redder than your riviera.