Just wondering is the Android app going to be updated? It's been over a year since last update, has many bugs, and the notifications don't work.
Is the Android app still being maintained? I didn't see it on the Play Store anymore, only via apk: https://m.apkpure.com/priuschat/com.tapatalk.priuschatcom I tried Tapatalk itself but it's giving me issues (can't send PMs, upload attachments)
No update. And you are correct that the app is no longer available from the Google Store. I used APK when the app crashed after my Android OS update. The PM function has not been working on web page for years. Same for the app. I haven't tried uploading a file via app. Let me try it. Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.
As of June 8th, I'm haven't be able using the Android App at all.... The cursor just spinning when do a search with no results.. Pretty frustrating when you try to answer an post, or searching for infos for the folks who doesn't use computer any more or trying to navigate the desktop screen...
The app is working fine for me Try uninstalling and reinstalling the app again. The app crashed on my phone a few months ago, but clean installation restored the functionality. AFAIK, the app is no longer updated and is not found in the Google Play App Store. You will have to side load the last APK package still floating around on the internet. Try this link if you need APK file https://m.apkpure.com/priuschat/com.tapatalk.priuschatcom Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.
I've reinstalled the app, and it worked for a bit but went right back to no response.. I finally figured out that it will function correctly after I logout then log back in.. Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.
The PC app is no longer updated. There may be a time when it will no longer work on the new Android OS. If that happens, then you can always use a web browser app on your phone.
I've realized that since it hasn't been updated since 2019... Sadly I've become so independent to apps that web browser is just an inconvenience to use on a phone, also I could be wrong but certain functions an app provided is not necessarily available while using a web browser... Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.
Do you mean "dependant" ? In any case, I think I get your point. The app on a phone is convenient and is easier to use than using the browser on the phone. I use the PC App on my phone mostly just to read the posts. I am not very good at typing on a phone. That being said, there may be some functionality differences between App and the web versions. But I can't think of anything that the App version can do that the web version can not. We can only hope that the app will keep working on newer Android. Goof luck.
Yes, that's what I meant and thank you... I like the convince of a app and have always use it, pc browser will take me a bit use to navigate around this forum... Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.
My Priuschat app sadly stopped working about 2 weeks ago. I think it coincided with the Priuschat server migration. Oh well, on to Tapatalk I guess. SM-G781V ?
Yes, I switched over to the Tapatalk app a week ago because the Priuschat app stopped working. Now, I receive ads that I did not receive when using the Priuschat app. Changes happen.
Yep, the Priuschat app is dead. It was already obsolete and no longer listed on the Play Store. No update for the new server connection is coming. I switched to Brave browser. It kills most of the ads I hate. Not better than the PC app used to be, but still far better than other browsers on Android.
I use plain old Firefox on Android with uBlock Origin. No ads and bonus, when viewing YouTube videos from Firefox, no ads there either. Caveat, only works for Android since Apple doesn't allow an engine other than theirs, no matter what browser you're using.
I'm using AdBlock on Chrome, on a PC, and Ad Blocker with Safari, on an iPhone. Both are regular browsers, not special app. Seem to work fine.