I have a 2010 Prius. The other day my battery died bc a friend left the lights and radio on without the engine running. I got a jump and the car is running again. But now the trip and display buttons on my steering wheel will not work. They worked prior to the battery dying. The rest of the steering wheel buttons work (temperature, volume, changing radio station up/down). Does anyone have any advice to get them working again?
It propably got reset by the jump. You can turn the steering switch On/Off. Use the "DISP" button to go to the SETTING screen & there's a STEERING SWITCH option.
Yeah if you just disconnect the battery and reconnect, all the displays will revert to defaults. I think a near-dead battery will do similar. Orignal battery? I would get it checked out. Dealership or most automotive retailers will be able to see it's current "life", with an electronic load tester. Actually: if it is original, I wouldn't even bother with testing, get it replaced.
It's not the original battery. I think the battery itself is fine. The only reason it needed a jump was b/c the car was running w/o the engine on for over an hour and therefore the car battery died.
I have same problem. After jump all buttons in steering wheel not working. Any fuse that related to this buttons?
I have all button works except display and trip buttons and it happened after jump, Does it have fuse connected to it?
Not sure about OP's 2010 Prius, but on my 2012 Prius this STEERING SWITCH menu option only turns on/off touch tracing blue-orange "floating display" feature for the steering wheel buttons. I could not find any information if these particular buttons can be turned on or off completely. Do you have a scanner to check for any trouble codes?