So today is our first sub -10°C day, how do I preheat the car before leaving? I know the AC button on the fob won't work so I'm guessing I go out, unplug, get in, put in ready mode and turn on Defrost. Do I leave the fob in the car or can I take it with me? Is there a better way? I have the base model with the small display if it matters.
Pretty sure you can’t lock the car in READY unless the fob is in the car. Remote Connect will let you preheat the car remotely with the vehicle locked.
The AC button on the fob is all you need. When you press & hold, it starts up running whatever temperature setting you had previously set.
I have the base model, Remote Connect isn't available. AC button on the fob doesn't work when the temperature is below the heat pump lower temperature limit (-10°C). It's currently -13°C. The engine needs to start and it can't be started by the fob.
I missed the "sub" part. Knowing it will actually work slightly lower, it was worth the mention. For me, I never preheat. It's just jump in and drive. Putting the car into Charge-Mode will generate heat faster, since that runs the engine with a higher load. But that only works if you don't have a SOC over 80%.
That is too easy and low tech. I know even hotel parking lots in Canada usually have outdoor receptacles for the purpose.
I've been spoiled with the preconditioning of the Tesla lol. I guess I'll go in the car to put in it Defrost mode. I'll check to see if it will shut off without the fob inside. It would have been nice if Toyota could have diverted power from the charger to a built-in block heater when the temperature is below -10°C when told to have the car precondionned to a specific time instead of having another extension cable running to the car and have a block heater installed...
Yeah we were up in Williams Lake in October. There was mandatory snow tire regulations (as of October 01) in place, and of course it was still lovely, shirt-sleeve weather. Most of the parking spots at our hotel verged on medians with weatherproof AC outlets. F150’s abound; guess everyone knows what’s coming.
Your mandatory snow tire dates is two months earlier than us in Québec. Is that for the whole BC province? I can't see why Vancouver would need mandatory snow tires...
No, just the interior. Not sure where the boundary is. I suppose most years October 01 would be sensible, but it was a last gasp of summer when we went up. myself, in Vancouver, I put our snows on quite early. We’re only doing about 5k kms a year, sometimes driving only once a week, so I’ll just swap them while the weathers still nice. No matter what I do the snows will age out before they wear out, lol.