no doubt, they are already counting on some people to crash it and blame the new system. tesla wins a lot more lawsuits andnhtsa actions than it loses
Fly by wire Tech has been around for decades & through bad experiences in aerospace (where Musk poached much of his crew) - the industry has either incorporated 3 or 4 levels of redundancy. Who wouldn't rather feel safe with that - versus the texting driver That said, how awesome is it to watch/observe that steering yoke - needing to turn only a few degrees to reach one lock point to the opposite at slow & non-moving dynamics versus the controllers that would only allow for a very small degree change at high speed - all the while factoring in Dynamics of snow rain ice / loss of traction .... all stuff that had to be calculated via aerospace.
ford is the new electric truck sales leader ford-sets-ev-sales-record-nov-lightning-becomes-best-seller of course, there's this: ford-lost-36000-for-every-electric-vehicle-sold-last-quarter-so-was-toyota-right
Sandy Monroe - great interview w/ Musk & cybertruck Tech as well as it's post pandemic completion / supply chain complexities followed by contrasting the issues that the competition are having. Yes of course there will be horse & buggy vs auto comparisons for those manufacturers choosing to get left behind. Kia 5 is (suv) hitting the markets. WAY comfortably under $40,000 in those markets that are already sharing price. .
As noted recently in this thread, the Model Y and CyberTruck needed to be produced before the "Model 2" due to manufacturing and business growth constraints. But Model 2 development is in advanced stages:
Sure, "the industry" has had safe good ways of doing it for a while, but this is Tesla. They're the ones who wanted to use office-grade display panels in the cars because they were available in bigger sizes than the automotive-rated ones. Lots of warranty-replaced yellow panels later, there are now car-grade large LCDs. Steering is arguably a notch more important than that. I understand that Lexus/Toyota has their steer-by-wire system ready, but I'd understood that one to have a mechanical backup.
and .... one important thing to grasp (mentioned in the video i'd posted just above) is that musk is constrained by what he can & can not say without being accused of manipulating stock as what happened before - when the SEC aggressively went after him.
Sure, this is Tesla that has consistently had some of the highest safety scores of any car tested. Who’s Model S couldn’t be rolled over with the standard safety test equipment. Whose car was being driven off a 200 foot cliff by a suicidal maniac intent on killing his family. Ooops, everyone lived. Tesla may innovate, and look for places to cut costs. But safety has always been a huge priority for them.
And every plane I have flown on in how many years has a steer by wire system with redundancy ... as does The Truck apparently.
That's fair. I won't disagree with the stats; Tesla's cars are very survivable. There are still plenty of other risks that could befall the 10 (or is it 15?) cybertrucks that made it out. I don't know what insurance companies do in these situations... a car that could wind up being a ridiculously limited edition, or it could be the next F-150 ten years down the line.
My favorite live safety demonstration came a few years ago when a Ford Fusion wrong way driver on an AZ freeway came along & head on-plowed into a Model X. Talk about oddity. Usually drunks are so limp when they hit they suffer very little. Here - & similar to hitting a wall at 140 mph - the jacked up on drugs & drunken Fusion driver was killed instantly while the woman driving the model got out & limped away. DANG! .
99.999999 % of the time I won’t need one. That one time it stops a bullet from hitting me. Priceless! (Oops, did I miss a 9)?
Too funny that you should say this ...... & even more relevant Seems the humor hasn't only been caught by you and i .
Considering there was a multi-victim shooting within 2 mi of my house (same city), and a follow up retribution shooting in a neighboring city, within the last couple of months or so, I maybe should remove two significant 9s, or three….
When that lady in her Sonata head-on collided me in my Civic, when she apologized for having fallen asleep, my response was "I'm just glad you weren't driving a truck". My say is "the vehicle with the most lug nuts wins in an head-on collision".
How long would it take for you to break even is one of my metrics. Compare it to one of the '24 small Ford hybrid trucks (Maverick) in top trim for $40k list. Spartan, functional, etc versus over the top and unavailable for maybe years if I wanted one. The Maverick won't risk the envy/wrath of the other pickup drivers. Lets see if I can put a dent in it.