How could I forget about you? And Jeannie, and StevO, and TJ, and AuntBee, and dreichla, and everyone else?
Don't you know you can't, because we'd never let you? Oh... and you couldn't possibly be rubbing it in that you're already done with work, are you?
Could we expand the menu to accomodate hot fudge sauce for the muffin? Or, better yet, hot rum sauce? Would we need a designated driver when we ate?
Did you know, I went away for a few days to work on projects and all I had to do was read a few posts back and it feels like home? Can you pass me a muffin?
Did it all started with the granny panties? I think it all went down hill from there? Do you think we should start re-read it from the beginning?
While I appreciate the muffin with hot fudge sauce offer, could I have my cyber-muffin plain, please, since hot fudge sauce gunks up my cable modem? And since we have this thread for questions, will we have to start another thread for answers? (First post, obviously, would state '42')