07 Crazy Knocking/p0301 and such

Discussion in 'Gen 2 Prius Care, Maintenance and Troubleshooting' started by RavenH, Dec 2, 2023.

  1. RavenH

    RavenH Junior Member

    Jan 17, 2023
    Buffalo, NY
    2007 Prius
    First post. Long-time lurker. 07 Prius with about 190k miles on him. Hope I’m posting correctly!

    Ok… Where in the heck to start…

    The other day, I was driving home and got on the highway when the Prius started violently shaking. Felt like I was going over ruts in the road. CEL light went on and was flashing (P0301). When I would press on the accelerator, it would stop, but right when I let go it would start shaking again. Limped my way home with the same symptoms.

    Checked spark plugs and cyl 1 plug was cracked and chipped at the tip. Changed all spark plugs, swapped cyl 1 ignition coil with cyl 2. Started him, and my goodness the KNOCKING. I felt like I was being shaken off my seat. CEL came on with p0301, 302, 300, and I think 304. Swapped coils back to original and cleared codes. I’m nervous to try to drive him to see what codes pop up now. He’s been sitting for 3 days now.

    I had P0301 probably a year/year and a half ago (I think 25k-30k miles ago) with the same crazy knocking. Changed spark plugs, new ignition coil (I think cyl 1, but now I can’t remember if I had swapped the coils and put the new coil in a different cylinder, but I had marked them while diagnosing, and cyl 1 coil doesn’t have my marking, so I think it was that one). I cleaned throttle body, without taking it out (basically just sprayed on the plate), cleaned the fuel injectors (again half a s s ed, by spraying them. I couldn’t figure out how to hook them up to a battery or whatever to have them spray. I’m not good at electrical at all. But I did change my hybrid battery all by myself!), cleaned MAF sensor, new PVC valve and I think that’s all.

    I burn oil like nobody’s business. I think I’ve been burning oil more lately. Also have had P0420. Ran lacquer thinner in the gas tank and that went away for probably 3000 miles. I know there’s debate on that, but it worked. For the past maybe 1000 mi, the code goes on and off. Got a new cat, but have not installed it.

    The new symptoms are so similar to what I’ve seen with the EGR in the gen3s. Silly me has been researching it like crazy the past few days, only to open the hood and realize there’s no EGR like gen 3s. I was planning on cleaning the EGR cooler, valve and pipe, and thoroughly cleaning the intake manifold. But this manifold looks to be aluminum or something. Not plastic like all the videos I was watching. Can I still take it off and clean it?

    As for the head gasket (those two words make me shudder), I don’t have smoke coming out of the exhaust, no milky oil, and I don’t think I see coolant in the cylinders.

    I’ve done quite a bit of work on him, and I do drive him quite a lot. Like 100-150 miles a day 5 days a week.

    Also I feel like I start to have issues the beginning of every winter. I’ve had him for I think coming up on 2 years. I feel like he was severely neglected and sat out in the sun for a while. The window seals on the drivers side where falling apart, and there’s damage to the display screen inside that looks like it was cooked in the sun.

    So my main questions now are 1) What would cause this crazy knocking at idle and when my foot goes off the accelerator? 2) Can I take off the intake manifold and clean it like I’ve seen in gen3 videos? 3) Can I install and OCC, and would that be beneficial with all this oil I’m burning? 4) Does the p0420 relate to these things?

    The one thing I haven’t done for some ungodly reason is to change the air filter, which I will do today. Could that be the problem? Can I do a test drive with this crazy knocking?

    Thank you guys in advance. I feel like I know all of you after these years of me searching and lurking. I’m sure some of this may probably be obvious to you guys and some might jump right to head gasket. I’m a diy mechanic trained from good ol’ YouTube and Prius Chat I’m confident in my skills and really think I could do most anything in a car at this point (EXCEPT ELECTRICAL). I just can’t grasp that stuff for some reason. Like literally not even the basics.

    - Raven C.B.A. (Certified Bad A s s) ❤️
  2. pasadena_commut

    pasadena_commut Senior Member

    May 2, 2019
    Southern California
    2007 Prius
    Is this really knocking, or is it rattling. There could be something in the cylinder which had the chipped spark plug. That is, is it chipped because something hit it? I used to own a Mazda Protege5 and they had a problem with little flaps in the intake breaking off and getting sucked into the cylinder. The resulting noise was described as being machine gun like. I don't believe the Prius is prone to anything like that, but there might be a hole in the air filter which would have let something through.
    RavenH likes this.
  3. RavenH

    RavenH Junior Member

    Jan 17, 2023
    Buffalo, NY
    2007 Prius
    Thank you for your reply! I suppose it could be rattling. Is there a way for me to post a video with the sound? Or can I link to a YouTube video? There’s a video that has the same sound.

    I started the car a little bit ago. When I press and hold the accelerator down, it sounds normal, but right when I let off it jerks and the sound comes back. That is with it in park. When I put it in drive with my foot on the break and gun it, it’s bouncy like I’m on rumble strips, and right when I let off it’s noisy, but not the exact sound as when it’s in park.

    My uncle is a mechanic (I hate asking him to look at my car) but he told me to put a screwdriver in the ignition coil and hold it a tiny bit away from a bolt or something metal and see if there’s a spark to test the coils. I just had to run and grab some Mikes Harder Lemonade to get myself loose enough to try this haha I’m reallyyyy hoping it’s just a coil. I tried the whole unclip one coil at a time, but the car engine stops each time. I think. I don’t know if I’m doing it right.
  4. RavenH

    RavenH Junior Member

    Jan 17, 2023
    Buffalo, NY
    2007 Prius
    Update: Did the screwdriver ignition coil test. All 4 created a spark. Unfortunately I was an idiot on the 4th coil and got electrocuted. It wasn’t too bad thank goodness. But maybe that was the alcohol.

    I guess next step would be compression test?

    Do I need a special kit for it?
  5. RavenH

    RavenH Junior Member

    Jan 17, 2023
    Buffalo, NY
    2007 Prius
    @Mendel Leisk ha! I’ve figured out how to pull someone I very much value into this! ❤️ Your thoughts and comments are always so appreciated. You don’t know me, but I love seeing your comments. Any thoughts on my predicament?
  6. Tombukt2

    Tombukt2 Senior Member

    Nov 29, 2020
    Durham NC
    2009 Prius
    '07 that's baked in the Sun from New York State well how I would think that car would not even be on the road anymore usually the assault and the nonsense on the road is long eating the strut towers up and the rocker panels are non-existent You're almost to Flintstone action literally feet down on the ground almost least that's how it was for me in Western Massachusetts and upstate New York in the '80s. I hate to even imagine it and I would think the car would have more like 400,000 but that's just me It would if I was driving it because I'd be trying to use it up before the rust killed it. When I lived in Western Massachusetts I would regularly every two years travel down south to where I live now and buy a car or two and bring them back to Western Mass to drive for the next two years and then just throw them out and go back and get two more then I got smart and moved but the knocking you've got to isolate whether you have bad coils in fact I have a box full of them that whenever I go to LKQ or strip a car anything like that I generally save the coils and things like that just because. Now I don't I have so many I throw them out and when I take some out that are bad I throw them out usually most cars I get here when they come here they will run or do something so I know that I have a bad break actuator or bad coils or codes etc and then if it's decided to strip the car I kind of sort of know what to keep and not.
    RavenH likes this.
  7. RavenH

    RavenH Junior Member

    Jan 17, 2023
    Buffalo, NY
    2007 Prius
    lol I know what you mean. I don’t think this car was actually driven up north. I think it might’ve been transported up here. There’s barely any rust at all. I changed the drivers side wheel bearing last year and it was a breeze! When I was younger, I had no idea about salt and cars. My Forester’s frame was all but gone. Now that was certainly almost Flintstoning it!

    I’m not a mechanic. I have pretty basic auto tools, a three car garage full of mostly construction tools and equipment, so I don’t have extra car parts lying around unfortunately. And I cannot be trusted to not hoard car parts if I could get them!
  8. Tombukt2

    Tombukt2 Senior Member

    Nov 29, 2020
    Durham NC
    2009 Prius
    So then this car is parked in a garage generally speaking when you get home etc well that's a whole different ball game when I lived up in the New England States I didn't own a home nor have a garage My Toyota Corolla was parked on the street 24/7 I rarely shoveled the space that it was in it rolled out on top of the snow every morning etc etc The car is just were flintstoned out in 30 months literally you could put your feet to the floorboards to the ground Great for smoking weed and stuff in because you could just throw the roach right out and it wouldn't even be in the vehicle when you got stopped. But yeah you want to figure out what all the missing business is going on The one NZ is not characteristic of having head gaskets blow out and all this kind of stuff that's the two Z in the generation 3 any engine can have a head gasket blow absolutely but with the generation 3 2Z Atkinson cycle engine it seems to be a chronic problem. But it also seems to happen 150,000 plus miles it seems sometimes nearly double that so at 200k you can't really complain unless you've been with Toyota a very long time like myself I was getting $400,000 miles on Corollas back in 1975 so I expect this kind of mileage. When my generation 3 made 200,000 blowed head gasket and so forth I was quite taken aback. And we immediately phased out the Gen 3 from the stable pretty much directly we're not having any of that I don't care what the solutions are any of that I'm not interested in applying any of them.

    TMR-JWAP Senior Member

    Aug 12, 2016
    Columbia, SC
    2007 Prius
  10. Leadfoot J. McCoalroller

    Leadfoot J. McCoalroller Senior Member

    May 12, 2018
    2018 Prius c
    Any chance you replaced old plugs with bad plugs?

    Boilerplate reminder: Amazon and eBay are completely flooded with bad counterfeit plugs, coils & other automotive-electric items.

    Get good quality Denso brand parts from a brick-and-mortar distributor near you for best results.
    Mendel Leisk and RavenH like this.
  11. RavenH

    RavenH Junior Member

    Jan 17, 2023
    Buffalo, NY
    2007 Prius
    No, no! The Prius is not in the garage. It’s full of construction tools. No room for cars. So you’re saying you think it is not head gasket?
  12. RavenH

    RavenH Junior Member

    Jan 17, 2023
    Buffalo, NY
    2007 Prius
    I got Denso plugs from Advanced. Should I get another one and pop it in to test?
  13. Leadfoot J. McCoalroller

    Leadfoot J. McCoalroller Senior Member

    May 12, 2018
    2018 Prius c
    Advanced is a regular Denso distributor, so you probably have good product. I think you can cross that possibility off the list.

    That engine isn't known for popping head gaskets. Not saying you couldn't do it, just that it's a lot less common than with other versions of the Prius.

    With new plugs and a useful coil test done, I think I'd move on to the air and fuel part of the equation. It would be useful to know the fuel trim data. Might help to listen to the injectors through a stethoscope.
    RavenH likes this.

    MCCOHENS Member

    Oct 3, 2019
    Chalfont, PA
    2006 Prius
    Your coil test shows they work but not if they work well enough. Consider buying 4 new coils. That is what I would do.
  15. Tombukt2

    Tombukt2 Senior Member

    Nov 29, 2020
    Durham NC
    2009 Prius
    Yeah swap them out like I say I have a box full of them here and as I go through them they go in the trash I think there's a test you can do with a voltmeter on a couple of the pins of these things to find out if they have the correct resistance or what have you usually you just replace them You know $300,000 mi I mean come on. But I have some that are at that mileage that are still working fine and I'm not going to change him until my start getting misfire codes or things start missing and acting up and they get done by the process of elimination like we're doing here I'm not just going to change them just because. The nippondenso electrical parts are pretty stout so I don't look forward to really changing them out for newer pieces I'm figuring the newer pieces are going to be built cheaper like everything else is today so my old nice gray nippon branded original coilover plug sets that I have here are probably better built than the new ones that I'm going to get for a lot of things this is true I'm not saying this is the case with this but it wouldn't surprise me
  16. RavenH

    RavenH Junior Member

    Jan 17, 2023
    Buffalo, NY
    2007 Prius
    So, I got a new air filter (decently dirty), cleaned MAF (very dirty), cleaned inside throttle body (very dirty), went to start him and got P3190. Sprayed more MAF cleaner on the sensor. I stupidly didn’t wait for it to dry, started again then got p0125.

    One thing, I didn’t take the throttle body out. I just sprayed TB cleaner in there opening and closing the plate, and used a soft bristle tooth brush and my fingers with shop towels.
    When I went to start him the first time, he didn’t have the crazy knocking (or whatever sound), but barely any power. After I sprayed the MAF again (without taking it out this time) I was able to drive forward a little. Then a different knocking sound started (not quite the same as the original sound) and I quickly shut him off after the p0125.

    Could he be struggling because I sprayed so much throttle body cleaner in there? Should I take the MAF out and clean it again?
    I didn’t get the 0300 or 0302 this time. Just the pending 0301.

    I may go get a coil for 1st cylinder, but I really wanted to see if the noise stopped after the cleaning. I haven’t checked the fuel injectors yet. I was just seeing if it was just the dirty MAF and throttle body.
  17. txexplorer

    txexplorer Junior Member

    Sep 30, 2023
    2008 Prius
    I had the same thing, changed fuel injectors, problem solved.

    Had 0300, 0302, etc. codes. I ordered some replacement injectors off Ebay for $80 and it did the trick.

    I tried cleaning the old injectors, didn't fix it. I ordered some cheap injectors for $30 and the misfires, rattling became worse. Then I found some good DENSO oem injectors for $80 or so, problem went away and that was 1000+ miles ago. It is night and day difference.

    BTW, I removed and replaced my injectors 4 times, and it's pretty easy to do in about 15 min.