Does anyone have a link as to how to bypass the exhaust/coolant heat exchanger, at the underside of the car? There is a good video about how to do it at the top end but it (apparently) has some disadvantages. Currently the dealership want to replace the whole of the upper exhaust which of course includes two perfectly good CATS. Thanks Mike
That link (which I had to delete because this forum says I haven't made enough posts to include one ) is just giving me a blank page. Before going blank it very briefly flashes up a video called "thermo Top Installation Overview" but that seems to be about cab heaters on trucks. Mike
If a google search link includes "client=safari" and somebody clicks on it using some other browser, what happens?
Can't account for everything that might be happening, but it appears to serve the request in a manner that works with the other browser and then leave the client attribute in the url anyway. I rewrote the url string to replace "safari" with "chapmanf" and forced it to load that and it came up exactly the same.
no visual difference in the page render when substituting lynx for safari. even tried it in lynx. Would attach screenshot, but images are down for a bit I guess.