Well, that (within) first hour reservation got my wife an email from Tesla yesterday, which she forwarded to me… The gist: While you wait (some more, and ponder the significant price hike), we’ll take $1000 off any model you order (didn’t catch that until I reread it) or take delivery by 12/31/23! I’m pretty sure at the initial pricing my wife picked all the bells and whistles, tri-motor (500+ mi range), and FSD. I vaguely remember this top of the line model at maybe a penny under $80k. $80k gets you dual motor with 340 mi as listed, + another $16k to get to 470+ mi range, BUT that extra range eats ~1/3 of your truck bed. I still like it but the one in charge will very likely not get one, or flip it per my suggestion. Also bummed they took out the 6th seat! (They could have put a window curtain type airbag, similar to side windows, for the front center seat in my opinion)…
Could not imagine in my wildest dreams driving a vehicle like that and drawing all the unwanted attention that is sure to follow. A used well cared for 1980 to 1990 Tacoma for about $4000 getting around 30 mpg is a much better fit for us and our lifestyle.
Stainless car bodies have been around for at least 5 decades as it was in the late 1970s I saw my first Jeep manufactured this way - out on the sand dunes of Pismo Beach. View attachment 250646 View attachment 250647 Some of the buyers will undoubtedly use a vinyl wrap to take away from some of the bling Factor. .
The stainless steel body didn't even enter my mind - but- that is another reason it would not be a good fit for us now that you mention it. Will just keep the $90,000 in my pocket/investments - better things to spend that money on than a chunk of metal held up by four pieces of round rubber.
Like I said, repeat of history... It is an easily recognizable pattern at this point. The same calls to wait were made for Two-Mode, despite an undeniable business mismatch. It made no sense consuming so many resources setting up production for such a limited market and died as a result. Then when Volt came about, the very same problem was reborn. Priorities of enthusiasts should not have been given so much attention. It comes down not taking the "value added" question seriously... want vs. need.
Like the same calls Toyota is making for everyone to wait for their magical solid state batteries...?
That has nothing to do with a product already delivered... Two-Mode... Volt... Cybertruck. Those specific vehicles delivered clearly were not targeting the masses.
Shifting the goalposts is John1701a - 101. You specifically mention the calls to wait for those technologies and I countered with the calls to wait for Toyota's new technologies. Then you shifted the goal posts, poor John can't catch a break.
Mirai ? Using $17 a kilo for hydrogen? $90 per fill up? Is that targeting the masses? Or do you move the goal post and try to claim that it, like the underwhelming bz4 will never see the masses. Or - to use your own curse, a niche. Maybe try to notice that every manufacturer has its vehicles that eventually must see the sunset
amazing to me that someone who stauncly defends (and owns) the bz4blech can be so critical of the cybertruck
It never was. Using a mainstream platform to prove out a technology with an industrial & commercial payoff is what diversity is for, leveraging assets. From Mirai, we got refinements for EV components. There was always going to be a line of BEV, it's just the usual lack of patience painting a different picture.
You are the one doing that by attempting to shift focus to later offerings. I'm still focused on addressing misinformation being spread now about bZ4X and pointing out how it's spread to other offerings... like bZ5X... is the step GM failed to do with both Two-Mode and Voltec. btw, it's quite telling how you keep attacking me to draw attention away from the topic of Cybertruck.
Avoiding an undeniable reality... how bZ4X clearly targets the RAV4 audience... among Toyota's core customer. With the upcoming 20% increase in range and 40% reduction of cell cost, it will make bZ4X competitive. Cybertruck starts at $61,000 and targets who?
Not installing that 6th seat, (it was mentioned as a 6 seater on the website until very recently,) pushes me further away from buying one, (personally). We’re a household of 5, and if for example a friend comes over and we want to go out it would be the perfect excuse to take the Cybertruck. With 5 seats might as well just take one of the other vehicles, with 5 seats. Utility, as a 5 seater, makes it a competitor to all 5 seaters out there… Anyone look into armored vehicle pricing? I saw an armored Model 3 at the LA Auto Show. That’s $100k, I believe on top of the vehicle price…
Saw one on the road last week on the way to Merced CA. At a distance the front looked like a Rivian without the distinctive headlights, but as it passed was undoubtedly a Cybertruck. My first impression was it's ugly, and traveling along the Sierra foothills on a two lane highway surrounded by the golden grasslands, it gave me some serious 'Mad Max' vibes.
Wait, what? How does using a mainstream platform help prove out a technology with an industrial and commerical payoff? Keep in mind the Mirai was sold, to consumers, in a limited market with a limited number of fueling stations. Not to fleet buyers. Not to commercial buyers. To regular consumers. Dude, you've outdone your nonsense. Or so I thought, until... You just engaged in the whole moving the goalposts... You're essentially saying that we shouldn't judge the bx4z by what it is today, judge it by what it will be. You also just inadvertantly admitted that it is not competitive today.
That's an easy answer. They're targeting: anyone who doesn't actually use their truck for what a truck is made for those who already own a tesla and want to be first on the block to own the tesla truck so everyone can ohhhh and ahhhh gangsters so they can gangsta behind bullet proof doors? P.T. Barnum's audience People that want to have one only so they can say they have one the rare person that uses it as a truck but wants to bracket race on weekends without worrying about throwing a rod? To each their own. It's no different than any other car or vehicle, other than it's the ugliest truck on earth. Even ugly things need love.
I don’t think Tesla likes us: First day/hr Model Y LR RWD reservation: We’d honor the price, IF we only made it. First hr Cybertruck reservation: Look at the pricing jump! I wish they honored the pricing they had on their website to all those who reserved prior to taking the pricing down, then raise the price for those who reserved even though there were no prices listed…