Check out the beginnings of our web site on PriusChat. Many thanks go to Danny for making it happen. Keep watching as we begin adding pictures to the gallery, copies of the hand out sheets from our meetings, etc in the near future.
I really like that paint job. I saw it on John's site over a year ago. Do you know anyone that has it like that? I want to know how much it would be to get that done.
Hey Brian, we got our cars on the same day!!! I would think that isn't a paint job but one of those plastic wraps that city buses get sometimes (maybe it's printed on clear bra stuff???). It looks great on the silver car, so I hope you can find out how to get it done...
Leafy flames on San Diego Prius site For all of you who are interested in the "Leafy Flames" applique shown on the San Diego Prius Club logo car... This was developed by the Toyota Ad Agency for ads in environmental magazines. It was actually done and installed on the Prius shown. I contacted them and they are willing to have the same company that produced it for them do it for "us". The cost would be around $2000 plus local installation. We might be able to get a little better price if we order a quantity. Contact me if you are serious about having it done!
I sent an email to Sev but would also like to know, what is everyone's opinion re: how an effect like that would look on a black Prius. I think the lime green would be an awesome contrast on the black, but not sure if the "leafy flames" would be the best choice. Any way that someone can photoshop or in some other manner alter the pic on the SD website so it would appear to be on a black prius? I just don't have the know-how (or programs, most likely) to do it myself. Many many thanks in advance!
Here is the original pix with a very sloppy paint job. It should give an idea. I really don't know my paint program very well. And if the decal is semi transparent, then the overall color will be a lot darker.
impreza, thank you very much. It gives me a good idea, and while the green against the black looks good, this really wouldn't be the right look. I'm now thinking maybe something with green electricity bolts going down the side or something... hmm... time to start lookin