Source: EVs TO PLAY BIG ROLE IN 2024 ELECTIONS Reuters points out . . . Democrats and their environmental allies are using that to emphasize how many American jobs that investment created, while Republicans are attacking it as government overreach that is only going to help China. That means it’s going to be up to voters to decide which side is right. And who knew that an automotive technology was going to play such a big role in American and European politics? I pay $2.50/100 miles around town not counting the free miles: Bob Wilson
Galt is the hero and main character of Atlas Shrugged, because his principles drive the action and the conflict of the story. The book explores what occurs when the thinkers go on strike. Galt conceives of the strike, initiates it, sustains it, and carries it to a successful resolution. In my career, I called changing jobs, "Firing my previous employer." General Electric was the hardest and took four resignations over 13 years. Attractive counter offer from previous employer and boredom with IBM systems programming - Offered change to VAX/VMS, ego challenge kept me in GE. Project coming to an end - Offered change to all VAX/VMS, system programming and isolation of terrible supervisor. Lost contract - Offered change to 'day zero', lead programmer, everything including hiring manager and author of software QA specs. They wandered off - Local unit wasted their R&D on non-related technical effort away from engineering. Bye-Bye. Hello Boeing! Bob Wilson
So .... creating & refining a platform is what i missed? Manufacturers refine a platform after they create a platform. Isn't that what Tesla is doing? Creating the cyber truck platform? then subsequent iterations will refine it? First you said it was absence of detail. Have you moved the goal posts? Lest we forget - the model 3 sales are on par with Camry sales. Not bad for a company that hardly existed a decade ago. And yet the model 3 was no more or less detailed out for the public when it was about to go into production. And yet they didn't follow the Toyota formula of production/refinement ....which you say is what .... slower? Maybe there's more than one road to success? .
Well jeez John, aren't you a fanboi yourself? That's the reason I found you here, because you just couldn't keep your love of Toyota to yourself on other forums. That said: What's Toyota's purpose? Isn't it the same as Tesla's? To make money? Of course it is! That said, they have different visions on how to do it. Tesla is full speed towards the future, and Toyota is screaming and kicking against the EV changeover. Well, at least if Toyota wants to refine the bz4x, there's no shortage of things to refine. When Toyota's best effort in 2024 is barely competitive with the decade old Bolt (and that's generous), you know you they're in trouble.
Well jeez John, aren't you a fanboi yourself? That's the reason I found you here, because you just couldn't keep your love of Toyota to yourself on other forums. That said: What's Toyota's purpose? Isn't it the same as Tesla's? To make money? Of course it is! That said, they have different visions on how to do it. Tesla is full speed towards the future, and Toyota is screaming and kicking against the EV changeover. Well, at least if Toyota wants to refine the bz4x, there's no shortage of things to refine. When Toyota's best effort in 2024 is barely competitive with the decade old Bolt (and that's generous), you know you they're in trouble.
Your background of trolling me, then asking questions you obviously already have the answers to, is vindicating. That is the "reset" tactic, attempting to keep the discussion in the discovery phase. Pointing out that this is just a repeat of history, being well aware of the pattern recognition, is how the dismissal & attacks come about. As for those answers, you don't like them. So, we get denial in the form of distraction. It all comes down to engineers not liking the reality of business. They obsess with technical achievements and don't want to face what it take for them to reach ordinary consumers. Having to make tradeoffs and show extreme patience is not a trait they want to embrace. It is necessary though. That's why they seek out an antithesis, something to project blame onto. It's a lame excuse. It happens all the time. This topic is yet another repeat of that. Watch what happens with Cybertruck tomorrow, how it is yet another example of not wanting to deliver what the masses really need... focusing on want instead. That's not what Toyota does. Their purpose is to find a means of achieving sustainable profit. Even without knowing the specs for Cybertruck yet, we already see it won't fulfill that objective.
It's really hard to say, because you've never actually answered a question. Instead, you word salad me to death. I just like pointing out the bz4x is absolute crap, and your subsequent attempts to ignore that. And, tbh, I think the cybertruck is absurd. But then again, I also think the bz4x is even more absurd.
Unfortunately, I know you as an audience. You're the kind of guy who throws chum in the water, then goes swimming and complains that there's so many sharks around. You bait yourself. There's minimal effort on the part of anyone else.
On a less adversarial note, today is the big day! The very 1st deliveries beginning 11/30 ... wooo hooo!
Yeah, may as well be a $100,000 Pontiac Aztec....but with bullet proof doors, which everyone needs. THE TRUCK isn't quite living up to the hype in initial impressions....
Tesla will take time to ramp up production and there will be 'lessons learned.' I've always hated the 'white colar' cowboys who park pristine pickups at their engineering job. I've always liked the ones with dents, scratches, and well worn tires ... you know, a work truck. Pick your poison and don't worry about buying one for a couple of years. Bob Wilson
Pretty sure I mentioned previously I thought it was ugly as F. The only people going to buy this are TESLA fanboys so they can say 'look at me'. Of course, that's not much different than all the other losers that buy a 80-100k truck that will never see anything other than pavement and parking lots, and will never have anything in the bed except groceries. I see plenty of that every day.
I have curiosity but no interest in buying one and I am a notorious, resident "Tesla fanboy:" Own significant amount of TSLA stock which I would have to sell to buy another Tesla. Own a 2019 Model 3 Std Rng Plus with 120,141 miles. If you have requirements that the Cyber Truck meets, buy one but I won't be one. Widowed and retired, my primary requirement is safe, cheap transportation: $2.50/100 miles using home electricity ~15% free miles shopping at merchants with free chargers Autopilot that is now standard. I paid ~$2,000 for it when I bought mine in March 2019. Full Self Driving that is now $12,000 when I bought mine in October 2019. My hobby is to expand the envelope and efficiency of my nearly 5 year old car. Bob Wilson
Watching it out-pull a Ford 350 pickup on that tractor slide ? That seemed pretty impressive. Starting price in the $60,000 range is pretty close to what a Gasser pickup runs for nowadays as well. Starting range for the least expensive version 300 miles? That seem pretty impressive as well. And with the V3 charging network growing - that can't be too bad. gee - give it a chance niche niche niche ... isn't that the same Voodoo curse you have branded Tesla with - for some amount of years now? How is labeling that brand by your voodoo curse working out for the model 3 now .... say, by comparing to camry sales ..... The Tesla Model 3 Beat the Toyota Camry and Is the New California Car King Fact is .... every vehicle that makes it to market - that ultimately becomes more than it's competition - it starts out with just a few sales. so isn't it a bit premature to start throwing out the voodoo curse so early?
The woa point for .e And beat a 2023 Porsche 911 in a drag race while also pulling a a trailer loaded with a 2023 Porsche 911 lol In this video, the tri-motor had no problem beating a quad-motor Rivian and even less problem beating a Hummer EV.