My wife, son, and I went to see it, at the Buena Park Tesla showroom, along with a lot of other people! View attachment 250598
My wife has a 1st hr reservation for one, but since they took away pricing it’s up in the air whether she’ll buy one. My wife is self proclaimed 5’ tall. It’s, well, really HUGE. I asked my son if he thought it would fit in a regular (non-compact of course) parking spot. He went to the back, we looked at each other, and both of us laughed. He loved the FSD beta in the Model 3 LR that he test drove. I’m afraid in the least aggressive mode it was still a bit too “assertive.” “Assertive” being the most aggressive mode. Who knows if we’ll get a Tesla or not…
Using a non-commitment wait list as a gauge for strong demand, despite an absence of specifications, is indeed what we have seen in the past.
Will the rumored/promised features and price be there? I laugh at all the 4 door vanity trucks I see and the difficulty they have navigating on my residential streets and parking lots. I actually thought of buying one as it fits my 4 people and golf bags criteria. But the width and the price scotched that idea. Son is happy with his MY. And the initial delivery volumes are minuscule.
Regardless, it's ugly as F. Wouldn't spend a penny of my own on it but would probably drive one if it were given to me.
Purpose is a detail. In fact, that is what enraged some enthusiasts about Toyota. They didn't like what was stated. As a matter of fact, reminding fanboys of Tesla's purpose ruffles some feathers.
It's in the history. Keep focus on the messenger to avoid facing obvious goal misses. That reality-check is vital at this point. This is where AUDIENCE comes into play. They will ramp up the propaganda, looking for the openings you provided to exploit their anti-EV messenging... like this garbage that came up on my feed today: Know your enemy.
I don't understand. For instance, who's the "messenger"? What goal do you believe the cybertruck is missing? It hasn't been revealed (as you mentioned) what the various features are for certain - much less any sales goals. But things happen where Maybe features have to be at it or left out. What would be the point for cybertruck PR to say "our goal .... It's that we're going to sell 10,000 in the first year Etc. If it's a flop then it's a flop for the goal projection. if it's successful then it's goal projection was a flop but the vehicle itself was successful. Compare that to toyota's BZ4x goals ....where Toyota (from the bz4x forum) states a goal of 10,000 sales. Did I miss something? What other goals has Toyota stated about their EV. Sure, their goal was to be able to sell cars in China .... & so they had to set a goal to bulid & sell something .Besides sales goals what has Toyota more clearly stated then the Tesla cyber truck. I think I watched the sales pitch where Tesla talked about range & safety & Towing ... but if it has more or less of these goals met or missed - what's the difference.