The presents are under the tree Not much to do - let me see.... Beer wine and snacks Assorted knick-knacks Left something out? - email me A first line's not easy to find To banality one's sometimes resigned
A first line's not easy to find To banality one's sometimes resigned But I'll add a new verse Till I ride in the hearse Cause that's how this thread is designed My vacation has finally started The staff they cried when I departed
My vacation has finally started The staff they cried when I departed Out the back door I duck Saying, "wish me good luck!" As I shove off for places uncharted. My wish finally came true A new Prius for Christmas, thank you!
My wish finally came true A new Prius for Christmas, thank you! I'd be happier still If Santa'd foot the bill When January's payment comes due The office party's today It's not much fun, I have to say
The office party's today It's not much fun, I have to say We won't get thanked My boss will get tanked But I'll behave in a well mannered way. While writing today in my journal Which I do with a rhythm diurnal
While writing today in my journal Which I do with a rhythm diurnal I had nothing to say "Nothing happened today" I hope this won't be eternal The days, now so short, will get longer The sun, now so weak, will get stronger
The days, now so short, will get longer The sun, now so weak, will get stronger I think I'll sit In my lounger a bit And enjoy just one more lager. There will be no school for two weeks No lesson plans or essay critiques
The days, now so short, will get longer The sun, now so weak, will get stronger I think I'll sit In my lounger a bit And enjoy just one more lager. There will be no school for two weeks No lesson plans or essay critiques Wish I were in Peru
There will be no school for two weeks No lesson plans or essay critiques Wish I were in Peru Complete this limerick I would do As that is of what we bespeaks It's poker night with the guys Beers, burgers, franks, and fries
It's poker night with the guys Beers, burgers, franks, and fries Texas hold'em I win Every now and again And I'll play till the sun in the skies Although I've ten fingers and toes What I really am nobody knows
Although I've ten fingers and toes What I really am nobody knows Though not quite psychotic I'm clearly antipathetic But then only to those I oppose If you dream it, it can be But no one can guarantee
If you dream it, it can be But no one can guarantee For life is but chance A fleeting romance So live to the fullest & see! I don't really know what to say To begin a rhyme isn't my way
I don't really know what to say To begin a rhyme isn't my way So complete this I must If even a bust To let another begin without delay If I had my life to do over I would do it the same, but sober
If I had my life to do over I would do it the same, but sober Filled up with rum Made me feel like a bum But now I'll drive the moon rover Twelve folks have decided my fate And prison food's what they'll put on my plate
Twelve folks have decided my fate And prison food's what they'll put on my plate I could get paroled Who knows what will unfold I'll just have to sit here and wait. I'm thinking it's just that I'm tired Although it could be a cold I've acquired