This is a screen shot of a car involved in a road rage incident with shots fired. One wounded taken to hospital: Notice the curious 'grove' stamped in the hood. Because the wipers are exposed, I'm pretty sure it is not a Prius. But it as an aerodynamic, hatchback shape with heavily tinted glass. Bob Wilson
If you can tell us the location of where this event happened, that would help... Identifying cars in North America are relatively easy for this community, but the rest of the world not so much. And why no reference? It's not like a road rage incident with shots fired and casualties is gonna be kept a secret. Unless of course that's your agenda? For all we know you're in Thailand with a rental car trying to cover up your own drunk driving conviction?
There are Madison Counties in twenty different U.S. states:
Looks like we have a winner. Here's an image showing the hood and front emblem. Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.
I've been on AL-53 a number of times dog-legging my way around the locals on 65 who somehow think that the Fast and Furious movies were documentaries. The car involved didn't look especially Dodgy to me since the grille and antenna were different, although the 'Imported from Detroit' is probably available in the original "Swinger Plum" color that the 60's desperately wants BACK - but yeah, the mirrors are close enough and so I'd give @xliderider an initial 'W' for image analysis. If the evidence tags are any indication, the shooter sent quite a few rounds downrange with 4 hits to the car and at least one to the driver - all presumably while moving. Or? The locals might have randomized the tags - or not sorted them out after the last road rage shooting. Just another Thanksgiving day on the way to Grandma's house. Interestingly enough, I drove through the next county over (Limestone) just a few hours later. I encountered no road raged drivers and I wasn't taken under fire. EDIT: I may have slighted @Trollbait in my comments above for the OSINT work. My bad.
Concur! I'll do it on one of my solo runs next year. As I recall, there's a 'solar conference' this year in April that I plan to attend in my beloved home state. Coffee and polite political discussion. Sounds like MY idea of a good break from a road trip I usually use Buc'ees as a pit stop but I'm not averse to going into the 'ville.